Example python script to for testing reading and writing data to a Samsung Heat Pump or HVAC unit using a MIM-B19N Modbus module, purchase from Midsummer
- Raspberry Pi with USB Modbus reader
- Python 3
$ pip3 install minimalmodbus
$ python3 samsung-modbus.py
Central heating status: 0
Target indoor temp: 21.0
Indoor temp: 22.7
Target flow temp: 25.0
Flow temp: 32.7
Return temp: 33.6
DHW status: 1
DHW target temp: 55.0
DHW temp: 49.8
Away mode status: 0
Write / controll comands can be activated by un-commenting them.
- DONE: Integrated this into a EmonHub interfacer module to log the data to MQTT and Emoncms
- Home Assistant integration? (can anyone help with this?)
- NodeRED module? (can anyone help with this?)
More info on Samsung communication protocols including the NASA protocol which is used for communication between indoor and outdoor units can be found here: https://wiki.myehs.eu/wiki/Main_Page