Aggregate v1.4
(October 2013)
🔻 Google disabled functionality used by this installer to upload ODK Aggregate to Google App Engine. See here for the work-around.
Summary: Major changes to Aggregate's publishers to update to the latest jars and protocols, add new publishers, and improve quota usage.
- changed behavior: simple JSON publisher now POSTs an application/json entity body; added option for how to treat binary content. Incompatible change; see Upgrading section if you were using the Z-ALPHA JSON Server
- changed representation: ODK Tabled storage schema has been revised. Incompatible change; see Upgrading section if you used your server to upload or download data to ODK Tables. Syncing with ODK Tables is broken in this release. Only v1.3.4 on Google AppEngine works with the ODK Tables alpha (we are in the middle of changing table schemas).
- fix: file exports were not properly writing UTF-8 character sets.
- fix: postgreSQL failures on some forms (column names must be less than 63 characters)
- Upgrade Aggregate’s Google publishers to use the updated Oauth2 libraries (e.g., Google Fusion Tables, Google Spreadsheet). Publishing from Google Apps domains does not work (it never has). This required a significant rewrite of the publishers so please notify the ODK core team of bugs!
- NEW: Add support for publishing data to Google Maps Engine, more information can be found at GoogleMapsEngineInstructions
- rework Spreadsheet and Fusion Table publishers to use Google libraries (consistent with the new Google Maps Engine publisher)
- additional active-paused state in publisher to extend the delay in publishing attempts (and reduce quota usage) if the destination publisher is reporting an error.
- improved how failures during form definition uploads are rolled back to increase the likelihood that the database is restored to a clean state.
You may need to clear your browser cache to complete the upgrade. If the browser screen flickers after upgrading, first clear your browser cache and reload the page.
If you were using the Z-ALPHA JSON Server, you must delete all instances of that publisher before upgrading. After upgrading, the updated publisher will send a single application/json entity body to the external server instead of a multi-part form containing that entity.
If you were using ODK Tables with ODK Aggregate, you need to delete all the ODK Tables data on ODK Aggregate before upgrading.