Associated code for manuscript:
Harris M, Kim BY and Garud NR. Enrichment of hard sweeps on the X chromosome compared to autosomes in six Drosophila species. , bioRxiv
The documentation to clean and process the data across all Drosophila species can be found in the DataProcessingAndAnalysis directory. This directory contains the following subdirectories:
Code_Dmelanogaster: Associated code used to process and analyze data from the both populations of D. melanogaster.
Code_DsechDsantDteiDmau: Associated code used to process and analyze D. sechellia, D. santomea, D. teissieri and D.mauritiana.
Code_Dsimulans: Associated code used to process and analyze D. simulans.
code_misc: Code used for additional analyses.
Code used to run simulations can be found in the Simulations directory. Under this directory there is a directory per simulated scenario with all of its associated code. These include: Bottlenecks, Background selection, Sex Bias, lower X-linked mutation rate, soft and hard sweeps.