Generate readme.txt from GitHub's
Many WordPress plugin developers host their code on GitHub. But WordPress' official repository hosts plugin file in SVN repos.
Readme | WordPress | GitHub |
File Extension | .txt | .md |
Format | Markdown | GitHub Markdown |
They are almost same, but little bit different.
This small PHP scripts converts Github's
to WordPress readme.txt
You don't have to maintain 2 almost same text files.
Just grab and run PHP.
curl -L | php
Anoying? But best practice is automated deploy.
For example, you can run it with travis2wpplugin.
Put script above in
. For example, see HameSlack.
Surronding with special html comment, you can control visibility of section.
<!-- only:github/ -->
This section is visible only on github and will be removed from readme.txt.
<!-- /only:github -->
<!-- only:wp>
This section is visible only on because it's comment outed.
Be careful with comment format.
</only:wp -->
If you convert 1 repo to multiple delivery type(e.g. deliver the light version on and the pro version on your site), you can use enviroment variable WP_README_ENV
<!-- only:production>
This section will be revealed only if the enviroment is 'production'.
</only:production -->
<!-- not:production/ -->
This text should be removed if the environment is 'production'
<!-- /not:production -->
In command line, export variable and run this script.
export WP_README_ENV=production
curl -L | php
If you find bugs, plase make issues. Any pull requests are welcomed.