This is a ROS metapackage for the ATI NET/FT box that is used to connect to ATI F/T sensor.
The master
branch is compatible with:
- ROS Hydro
- ROS Indigo
- ROS Kinetic
Install curl
sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev
Use the ROS node in the package as a stand-alone node for publishing F/T information. E.g.:
rosrun netft_control netft_node --address
The NET/FT box defaults to as its ip address but this can be changed using the browser-based interface.
See a more detailed tutorial here:
For applications that require to read from the netft within ros-control, there is an implementation that uses a hardware_interface::ForceTorqueSensorInterface
and a force_torque_sensor_controller::ForceTorqueSensorController
For this, there are two convenient launch files:
roslaunch netft_control netft_ros_driver.launch ip:=
roslaunch netft_control ros_controllers.launch