A pure Zig object relation mapper (currently using Postgres).
Note: This is a very incomplete work in progress. It can only do raw queries on postgres at the moment.
To connect to a database create an "engine" for your database type and then acquire a connection from the pool.
// Create an "engine"
var engine = Engine(.postgres).init(allocator, .{
defer engine.deinit();
// Grab a connection from the pool
const conn = try engine.acquire();
defer conn.close();
The allocator is only used to create new connections in the connection pool.
Note: There's provisions for multiple backends but only postgres is implemented
The connection has execute
and executeQuery
functions. Both return a cursor
that can be iterated on the rows. Each (currently) requires you to pass a buffer
that has enough room for the initial query and response.
Subsequent rows can use their own buffer's allocator as needed.
pub fn executeRaw(comptime buffer_size: usize, conn: anytype, query: []const u8) !void {
var query_buffer: [buffer_size]u8 = undefined;
var cursor = conn.execute(&query_buffer, query, .{}) catch |err| {
if (conn.protocol.errorMessage()) |msg| {
std.log.err("{s}", .{msg});
return err;
const stdout = std.io.getStdOut().writer();
var row_buffer: [buffer_size]u8 = undefined;
switch (cursor.status) {
.rows => {
const headers = try cursor.headers();
try headers.write(.{}, stdout);
// Read data
// NOTE: Each call overwrites data in the buffer
// if you don't want this pass a new buffer
while (try cursor.rows(&row_buffer)) |row| {
try row.write(.{}, stdout);
.running => {
while (try cursor.process(&row_buffer)) |msg| {
try stdout.print("{s}", .{msg});
.complete => {
std.log.info("Query '{s}' complete!", .{cursor.query});
Then to use it:
try executeRaw(4096, conn, "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS test_zq;");
try executeRaw(4096, conn, "CREATE DATABASE test_zq;");
try executeRaw(4096, conn, "COMMIT;");
A model is a just a struct. Meta for database columns can be added by nesting a
struct as shown below. The primary key field currentl ymust be optional.
const db = @import("zq");
pub const User = struct {
id: ?u32 = null, // id defaults to the pk
username: []const u8,
hashedpass: []const u8,
email: ?[]const u8,
// Table Metadata
pub const Meta = struct {
pub const table = "users";
pub const hashedpass_len = 64;
pub const username_len = 100;
pub const username_unique = true;
pub const email_unique = true;
pub const email_len = 255;
pub const table = db.Table(@This(), .postgres, .{});
Alternatively you can pass meta to the last parameter of the Table
See TableOptions
and Column
definitons in the table.zig
Once a table is created you can create/drop it using the functions on the table.
// Create
var buf: [1024]u8 = undefined;
var cursor = try conn.executeQuery(&buf, User.table.create());
try cursor.print(stdout);
and drop
// Drop
var buf: [1024]u8 = undefined;
var cursor = try conn.executeQuery(&buf, User.table.drop());
try cursor.print(stdout);
This is a work in progress.. Eventually it should have some easier way to do this using a "manager" like django.
var user = User{
cursor = try conn.executeQuery(&buf, User.table.insert().values(user));
try cursor.print(stdout);