Pocket-wiki is a mini-app that fetch pages via mediawiki API, and user can bookmark pages. This is an experimental SPA with react and redux, and with build-tool webpack.
You can find the presentation slide from HERE
$ git clone https://github.com/franxyzxyz/mediawiki-with-react-redux.git
$ cd mediawiki-with-react-redux
$ npm install
$ npm start
Go to http://localhost:3000/ for the app
- React - View rendering
- Redux - Manage state
- jQuery - Helping JSONP AJAX call
- node.js - server
- Express - node.js framework
- lodash - array/object manipulation (with state change)
- SASS styling
- ES2015 ECMAScript standard
- babel compile latest standard of javascript
- webpack build-tool for compiling assets
├── app.js
├── node_modules
├── package.json
├── src
├── app
├── actions
├── components
├── containers
├── fonts
├── index.jsx
├── reducers
├── styles
└── utilities
└── build
├── assets
├── bundle.js
└── index.html
└── webpack.config.js
Action -> Reducer -> View
^ |
| |
Action <-----