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Holder inequality for ENNReal (#13)
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KunhongDu authored and fpvandoorn committed May 3, 2024
1 parent 0ad50ce commit 078dad4
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Expand Up @@ -32,43 +32,175 @@ structure IsConjExponent (p q : ℝ≥0∞) : Prop where

namespace IsConjExponent

lemma one_le_left (hpq : p.IsConjExponent q) : 1 ≤ p := sorry

lemma symm (hpq : p.IsConjExponent q) : q.IsConjExponent p where
inv_add_inv_conj := by
lemma symm (hpq : p.IsConjExponent q) : q.IsConjExponent p := ⟨by
rw [add_comm]
exact hpq.inv_add_inv_conj
exact hpq.inv_add_inv_conj

lemma one_le_left (hpq : p.IsConjExponent q) : 1 ≤ p := by
rw [← ENNReal.inv_le_one, ← hpq.inv_add_inv_conj]
simp only [self_le_add_right]

lemma one_le_right (hpq : p.IsConjExponent q) : 1 ≤ q := hpq.symm.one_le_left

lemma one_infty : (1 : ℝ≥0∞).IsConjExponent ∞ := ⟨by simp⟩

lemma infty_one : (∞ : ℝ≥0∞).IsConjExponent 1 := ⟨by simp⟩

lemma one_infty' {hp : p = 1} {hq : q = ∞}: p.IsConjExponent q := ⟨by simp [hp, hq]⟩

lemma infty_one' {hp : p = ∞} {hq : q = 1}: p.IsConjExponent q := ⟨by simp [hp, hq]⟩

lemma left_one_iff_right_infty (hpq : p.IsConjExponent q) : p = 1 ↔ q = ∞ := by
have := hpq.inv_add_inv_conj
intro hp
rw [← add_zero (1 : ℝ≥0∞), hp, inv_one, AddLECancellable.inj (ENNReal.cancel_of_ne ENNReal.one_ne_top)] at this
rwa [← ENNReal.inv_eq_zero]
intro hq
simp [hq] at this

lemma left_infty_iff_right_one (hpq : p.IsConjExponent q) : p = ∞ ↔ q = 1 := (left_one_iff_right_infty hpq.symm).symm

lemma one_lt_left_iff_right_ne_infty (hpq : p.IsConjExponent q) : 1 < p ↔ q ≠ ∞ := by
rw [← not_iff_not, not_lt, ne_eq, not_not, (left_one_iff_right_infty hpq).symm]
intro hp
apply LE.le.antisymm hp (one_le_left hpq)
apply le_of_eq

lemma left_ne_infty_iff_one_lt_right (hpq : p.IsConjExponent q) : p ≠ ∞ ↔ 1 < q := (one_lt_left_iff_right_ne_infty hpq.symm).symm

/- maybe useful: formulate an induction principle. To show something when `p.IsConjExponent q` then it's sufficient to show it in the following cases:
* you have `p q : ℝ≥0` with `p.IsConjExponent q`
* `p = 1` and `q = ∞`
* `p = ∞` and `q = 1` -/

#check ENNReal

/- add various other needed lemmas below (maybe look at `NNReal.IsConjExponent` for guidance) -/
lemma coe_is_conj_exponent {p q : ℝ≥0} (hpq : p.IsConjExponent q): (p : ℝ≥0∞).IsConjExponent q where
inv_add_inv_conj := by
rw [← coe_inv, ← coe_inv, ← coe_add, hpq.inv_add_inv_conj, coe_one]
apply NNReal.IsConjExponent.ne_zero hpq.symm
apply NNReal.IsConjExponent.ne_zero hpq

lemma toNNReal_is_conj_exponent {p q : ℝ≥0∞} (hp : 1 < p) (hq : 1 < q) (hpq : p.IsConjExponent q): (p.toNNReal).IsConjExponent (q.toNNReal) where
one_lt := by
rwa [← ENNReal.coe_lt_coe, ENNReal.coe_toNNReal ((left_ne_infty_iff_one_lt_right hpq).mpr hq)]
inv_add_inv_conj := by
rw [← ENNReal.coe_inj, coe_add, coe_inv, coe_inv]
convert hpq.inv_add_inv_conj
rw [ENNReal.coe_toNNReal ((left_ne_infty_iff_one_lt_right hpq).mpr hq)]
rw [ENNReal.coe_toNNReal ((one_lt_left_iff_right_ne_infty hpq).mp hp)]
exact (ENNReal.toNNReal_ne_zero).mpr ⟨(zero_lt_one.trans hq).ne', ((one_lt_left_iff_right_ne_infty hpq).mp hp)⟩
exact (ENNReal.toNNReal_ne_zero).mpr ⟨(zero_lt_one.trans hp).ne', ((left_ne_infty_iff_one_lt_right hpq).mpr hq)⟩

lemma induction
(f : (p: ENNReal) → (q :ENNReal) → (p.IsConjExponent q) → Prop)
(h₁ : ∀ p q : ℝ≥0, (h : p.IsConjExponent q) → f p q (coe_is_conj_exponent h))
(h₂ : f 1 ∞ one_infty)
(h₃ : f ∞ 1 infty_one) :
∀ p q : ℝ≥0∞, (h : p.IsConjExponent q) → f p q h := by
intro p q h
by_cases hq : q = ∞
have hp : p = 1 := (left_one_iff_right_infty h).mpr hq
simp_rw [hp, hq]
exact h₂
by_cases hp : p = ∞
have hq₂ : q = 1 := (left_infty_iff_right_one h).mp hp
simp_rw [hp, hq₂]
exact h₃
have := h₁ p.toNNReal q.toNNReal <| toNNReal_is_conj_exponent ((one_lt_left_iff_right_ne_infty h).mpr hq) ((left_ne_infty_iff_one_lt_right h).mp hp) h
simp_rw [ENNReal.coe_toNNReal hp, ENNReal.coe_toNNReal hq] at this
exact this

/- add various other needed lemmas below (maybe look at `NNReal.IsConjExponent` for guidance) -/

/- Versions of Hölder's inequality.
Note that the hard case already exists as `ENNReal.lintegral_mul_le_Lp_mul_Lq`. -/
#check ENNReal.lintegral_mul_le_Lp_mul_Lq
#check ContinuousLinearMap.le_opNorm

theorem lintegral_mul_le (μ : Measure α) {f : α → E₁} {g : α → E₂}
lemma bilin_le_opNorm {L : E₁ →L[𝕜] E₂ →L[𝕜] E₃} {f : α → E₁} {g : α → E₂} (a : α) : ‖L (f a) (g a)‖ ≤ ‖L‖ * ‖f a‖ * ‖g a‖ := by
apply LE.le.trans (ContinuousLinearMap.le_opNorm (L (f a)) (g a))
apply mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right (ContinuousLinearMap.le_opNorm L (f a)) (norm_nonneg (g a))

lemma bilin_le_opNorm_nnreal {L : E₁ →L[𝕜] E₂ →L[𝕜] E₃} {f : α → E₁} {g : α → E₂} (a : α) : ‖L (f a) (g a)‖₊ ≤ ‖L‖₊ * (‖f a‖₊ * ‖g a‖₊) := by
rw [← mul_assoc, ← NNReal.coe_le_coe]
simp only [coe_nnnorm, NNReal.coe_mul]
apply bilin_le_opNorm

lemma lintegral_mul_le_one_infty (μ : Measure α) {f : α → E₁} {g : α → E₂}
(hf : AEMeasurable f μ) : ∫⁻ a, ‖f a‖₊ * ‖g a‖₊ ∂μ ≤ snorm f 1 μ * snorm g ⊤ μ := by
calc ∫⁻ a, ‖f a‖₊ * ‖g a‖₊ ∂μ ≤ ∫⁻ (a : α), ‖f a‖₊ * snormEssSup g μ ∂μ := MeasureTheory.lintegral_mono_ae (h := by
rw [Filter.eventually_iff, ← Filter.exists_mem_subset_iff]
use {a | ↑‖g a‖₊ ≤ snormEssSup g μ}
rw [← Filter.eventually_iff]
exact ⟨ae_le_snormEssSup, by simp; intro _ ha; apply ENNReal.mul_left_mono ha⟩)
_ = snorm f 1 μ * snorm g ⊤ μ := by
rw [lintegral_mul_const'']
simp [snorm, snorm']
exact Measurable.comp_aemeasurable' measurable_coe_nnreal_ennreal (Measurable.comp_aemeasurable' measurable_nnnorm hf)

theorem lintegral_mul_le (hpq : p.IsConjExponent q) (μ : Measure α) {f : α → E₁} {g : α → E₂}
(hf : AEMeasurable f μ) (hg : AEMeasurable g μ) :
∫⁻ a, ‖L (f a) (g a)‖₊ ∂μ ≤ ‖L‖₊ * snorm f p μ * snorm g q μ := by

theorem integrable_bilin (μ : Measure α) {f : α → E₁} {g : α → E₂}
induction p, q, hpq using IsConjExponent.induction
case h₁ p q hpq =>
calc ∫⁻ a, ‖L (f a) (g a)‖₊ ∂μ ≤ ∫⁻ a, ‖L‖₊ * (‖f a‖₊ * ‖g a‖₊) ∂μ :=
lintegral_mono_nnreal bilin_le_opNorm_nnreal
_ = ‖L‖₊ * ∫⁻ a, ‖f a‖₊ * ‖g a‖₊ ∂μ := lintegral_const_mul' _ _ coe_ne_top
_ = ‖L‖₊ * ∫⁻ a, ((fun a ↦ ‖f a‖₊) * (fun a ↦ ‖g a‖₊)) a ∂μ := by
apply congrArg (HMul.hMul _)
apply lintegral_congr
simp only [Pi.mul_apply, coe_mul, implies_true]
_ ≤ ‖L‖₊ * snorm f p μ * snorm g q μ := by
rw [mul_assoc]
by_cases hL : ‖L‖₊ = 0
simp [hL]
apply (ENNReal.mul_le_mul_left _ coe_ne_top).mpr
simp only [coe_mul, snorm, coe_eq_zero, coe_ne_top, ↓reduceIte, coe_toReal, mul_ite, mul_zero, ite_mul, zero_mul, NNReal.IsConjExponent.ne_zero hpq, NNReal.IsConjExponent.ne_zero hpq.symm, snorm']
apply ENNReal.lintegral_mul_le_Lp_mul_Lq
apply NNReal.isConjExponent_coe.mpr hpq
. apply Measurable.comp_aemeasurable' measurable_coe_nnreal_ennreal (Measurable.comp_aemeasurable' measurable_nnnorm hf)
. apply Measurable.comp_aemeasurable' measurable_coe_nnreal_ennreal (Measurable.comp_aemeasurable' measurable_nnnorm hg)
simpa [ne_eq, coe_zero]
case h₂ =>
calc ∫⁻ a, ‖L (f a) (g a)‖₊ ∂μ ≤ ∫⁻ a, ‖L‖₊ * (‖f a‖₊ * ‖g a‖₊) ∂μ :=
lintegral_mono_nnreal bilin_le_opNorm_nnreal
_ = ‖L‖₊ * ∫⁻ a, ‖f a‖₊ * ‖g a‖₊ ∂μ := lintegral_const_mul' _ _ coe_ne_top
_ ≤ ‖L‖₊ * snorm f 1 μ * snorm g ⊤ μ := by
rw [mul_assoc]
apply ENNReal.mul_left_mono
apply lintegral_mul_le_one_infty
exact hf
case h₃ =>
calc ∫⁻ a, ‖L (f a) (g a)‖₊ ∂μ ≤ ∫⁻ a, ‖L‖₊ * (‖f a‖₊ * ‖g a‖₊) ∂μ :=
lintegral_mono_nnreal bilin_le_opNorm_nnreal
_ = ‖L‖₊ * ∫⁻ a, ‖f a‖₊ * ‖g a‖₊ ∂μ := lintegral_const_mul' _ _ coe_ne_top
_ = ‖L‖₊ * ∫⁻ a, ‖g a‖₊ * ‖f a‖₊ ∂μ := by simp_rw [mul_comm]
_ ≤ ‖L‖₊ * snorm f ⊤ μ * snorm g 1 μ := by
rw [mul_assoc, mul_comm (snorm f ⊤ μ)]
apply ENNReal.mul_left_mono
apply lintegral_mul_le_one_infty
exact hg

-- (hpq : p.IsConjExponent q) is missing
theorem integrable_bilin (hpq : p.IsConjExponent q) (μ : Measure α) {f : α → E₁} {g : α → E₂}
(hf : Memℒp f p μ) (hg : Memℒp g q μ) :
Integrable (fun a ↦ L (f a) (g a)) μ := by sorry
Integrable (fun a ↦ L (f a) (g a)) μ := by
dsimp [Integrable]
. apply ContinuousLinearMap.aestronglyMeasurable_comp₂
apply (MeasureTheory.Memℒp.aestronglyMeasurable hf)
apply (MeasureTheory.Memℒp.aestronglyMeasurable hg)
. dsimp [HasFiniteIntegral]
apply lt_of_le_of_lt <| lintegral_mul_le L hpq μ (MeasureTheory.AEStronglyMeasurable.aemeasurable (MeasureTheory.Memℒp.aestronglyMeasurable hf)) (MeasureTheory.AEStronglyMeasurable.aemeasurable (MeasureTheory.Memℒp.aestronglyMeasurable hg))
apply ENNReal.mul_lt_top (ENNReal.mul_ne_top coe_ne_top (MeasureTheory.Memℒp.snorm_ne_top hf)) (MeasureTheory.Memℒp.snorm_ne_top hg)

end IsConjExponent
end ENNReal

namespace MeasureTheory
namespace Lp
-- note: we may need to restrict to `𝕜 = ℝ`
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