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Graph.lean → Quotient.lean, Quotient.lean → Setquot.lean
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forked-from-1kasper committed Dec 19, 2023
1 parent 3fcafdf commit cc9cbf7
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Showing 12 changed files with 789 additions and 783 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion GroundZero.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ import GroundZero.HITs.Coequalizer
import GroundZero.HITs.Colimit
import GroundZero.HITs.Flattening
import GroundZero.HITs.Generalized
import GroundZero.HITs.Graph
import GroundZero.HITs.Int
import GroundZero.HITs.Interval
import GroundZero.HITs.Join
Expand All @@ -52,6 +51,7 @@ import GroundZero.HITs.Moebius
import GroundZero.HITs.Pushout
import GroundZero.HITs.Quotient
import GroundZero.HITs.Reals
import GroundZero.HITs.Setquot
import GroundZero.HITs.Simplicial
import GroundZero.HITs.Sphere
import GroundZero.HITs.Suspension
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion GroundZero/Algebra/Group/Absolutizer.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import GroundZero.Algebra.Group.Basic
import GroundZero.HITs.Quotient
import GroundZero.HITs.Setquot

open GroundZero.Types.Id (ap)
open GroundZero.Types
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion GroundZero/Algebra/Group/Action.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import GroundZero.Algebra.Group.Symmetric
import GroundZero.HITs.Quotient
import GroundZero.HITs.Setquot

open GroundZero.Types.Id (ap)
open GroundZero.Structures
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion GroundZero/Algebra/Group/Factor.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import GroundZero.Algebra.Group.Subgroup
import GroundZero.HITs.Quotient
import GroundZero.HITs.Setquot

open GroundZero.Types.Equiv (biinv transport)
open GroundZero.Types.Id (ap)
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion GroundZero/HITs/Coequalizer.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import GroundZero.HITs.Graph
import GroundZero.HITs.Quotient

open GroundZero.Types.Id (ap)
open GroundZero.Types.Equiv
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion GroundZero/HITs/Colimit.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import GroundZero.HITs.Graph
import GroundZero.HITs.Quotient
open GroundZero.Types.Equiv (pathoverOfEq)

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion GroundZero/HITs/Generalized.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import GroundZero.HITs.Graph
import GroundZero.HITs.Quotient
open GroundZero.Types.Equiv (pathoverOfEq)

Expand Down
60 changes: 0 additions & 60 deletions GroundZero/HITs/Graph.lean

This file was deleted.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion GroundZero/HITs/Pushout.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import GroundZero.HITs.Graph
import GroundZero.HITs.Quotient

open GroundZero.Types.Id (ap)
open GroundZero.Types.Equiv
Expand Down
150 changes: 53 additions & 97 deletions GroundZero/HITs/Quotient.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,104 +1,60 @@
import GroundZero.HITs.Trunc
import GroundZero.Types.HEq

open GroundZero.Types.Equiv (apd)
open GroundZero.Types.Id (ap)
open GroundZero.Types.Equiv
open GroundZero.Structures
open GroundZero.Theorems
open GroundZero.Types
open GroundZero

namespace GroundZero.HITs
universe u v w u' v' w'

hott definition Setquot {A : Type u} (R : A → A → Prop v) := ∥Quotient (λ x y, (R x y).1)∥₀

hott definition Setquot.elem {A : Type u} {R : A → A → Prop v} : A → Setquot R :=
Trunc.elem ∘ Quotient.elem

hott definition Setquot.sound {A : Type u} {R : A → A → Prop v} {a b : A} :
(R a b).1 → @Id (Setquot R) (Setquot.elem a) (Setquot.elem b) :=
begin intro; dsimp [elem]; apply ap Trunc.elem; apply Quotient.line; assumption end

hott lemma Setquot.set {A : Type u} {R : A → A → Prop v} : hset (Setquot R) :=
zeroEqvSet.forward (Trunc.uniq 0)

hott definition Setquot.ind {A : Type u} {R : A → A → Prop u'} {π : Setquot R → Type v}
(elemπ : Π x, π (Setquot.elem x))
(lineπ : Π x y H, elemπ x =[Setquot.sound H] elemπ y)
(set : Π x, hset (π x)) : Π x, π x :=
fapply Trunc.ind;
{ fapply Quotient.ind; apply elemπ;
{ intros x y H; apply Id.trans;
apply transportComp;
apply lineπ } };
{ intro; apply zeroEqvSet.left; apply set }

attribute [eliminator] Setquot.ind

hott definition Setquot.rec {A : Type u} {R : A → A → Prop u'} {B : Type v}
(elemπ : A → B) (lineπ : Π x y, (R x y).fst → elemπ x = elemπ y) (set : hset B) : Setquot R → B :=
@Setquot.ind A R (λ _, B) elemπ (λ x y H, pathoverOfEq (Setquot.sound H) (lineπ x y H)) (λ _, set)

hott definition Setquot.lift₂ {A : Type u} {R₁ : A → A → Prop u'} {B : Type v} {R₂ : B → B → Prop v'}
{γ : Type w} (R₁refl : Π x, (R₁ x x).fst) (R₂refl : Π x, (R₂ x x).fst) (f : A → B → γ)
(h : hset γ) (p : Π a₁ a₂ b₁ b₂, (R₁ a₁ b₁).fst → (R₂ a₂ b₂).fst → f a₁ a₂ = f b₁ b₂) : Setquot R₁ → Setquot R₂ → γ :=
fapply @Setquot.rec A R₁ (Setquot R₂ → γ);
{ intro x; fapply Setquot.rec; exact f x;
{ intros y₁ y₂ H; apply p; apply R₁refl; exact H };
{ assumption } };
{ intros x y H; apply Theorems.funext; fapply Setquot.ind;
{ intro z; apply p; assumption; apply R₂refl };
{ intros; apply h };
{ intros; apply Structures.propIsSet; apply h } };
{ apply zeroEqvSet.forward; apply Structures.piRespectsNType 0;
intros; apply zeroEqvSet.left; apply h }

hott definition Relquot {A : Type u} (s : eqrel A) := Setquot s.rel

hott definition Relquot.elem {A : Type u} {s : eqrel A} : A → Relquot s :=

hott definition Relquot.sound {A : Type u} {s : eqrel A} {a b : A} :
s.apply a b → @Id (Relquot s) (Relquot.elem a) (Relquot.elem b) :=

hott corollary Relquot.set {A : Type u} {s : eqrel A} : hset (Relquot s) :=
by apply Setquot.set

hott definition Relquot.ind {A : Type u} {s : eqrel A}
{π : Relquot s → Type v}
(elemπ : Π x, π (Relquot.elem x))
(lineπ : Π x y H, elemπ x =[Relquot.sound H] elemπ y)
(set : Π x, hset (π x)) : Π x, π x :=
Setquot.ind elemπ lineπ set

attribute [eliminator] Relquot.ind

hott definition Relquot.indProp {A : Type u} {s : eqrel A}
{π : Relquot s → Type v} (elemπ : Π x, π (Relquot.elem x))
(propπ : Π x, prop (π x)) : Π x, π x :=
intro x; induction x; apply elemπ; apply propπ;
apply Structures.propIsSet; apply propπ

hott definition Relquot.rec {A : Type u} {B : Type v} {s : eqrel A}
(elemπ : A → B)
(lineπ : Π x y, s.apply x y → elemπ x = elemπ y)
(set : hset B) : Relquot s → B :=
by apply Setquot.rec <;> assumption

hott definition Relquot.lift₂ {A : Type u} {B : Type v} {γ : Type w}
{s₁ : eqrel A} {s₂ : eqrel B} (f : A → B → γ) (h : hset γ)
(p : Π a₁ a₂ b₁ b₂, s₁.apply a₁ b₁ → s₂.apply a₂ b₂ → f a₁ a₂ = f b₁ b₂) :
Relquot s₁ → Relquot s₂ → γ :=
fapply Setquot.lift₂; apply s₁.iseqv.fst; apply s₂.iseqv.fst;
repeat { assumption }
universe u v w

inductive Quotient.rel {A : Type u} (R : A → A → Type v) : A → A → Prop
| line {n m : A} : R n m → rel R n m

hott axiom Quotient {A : Type u} (R : A → A → Type v) : Type (max u v) :=
Resize.{u, v} (Quot (Quotient.rel R))

namespace Quotient
hott axiom elem {A : Type u} {R : A → A → Type w} : A → Quotient R :=
Resize.intro ∘ (rel R)

hott opaque line {A : Type u} {R : A → A → Type w} {x y : A}
(H : R x y) : @elem A R x = @elem A R y :=
trustHigherCtor (congrArg Resize.intro (Quot.sound (rel.line H)))

hott axiom rec {A : Type u} {B : Type v} {R : A → A → Type w}
(f : A → B) (H : Π x y, R x y → f x = f y) : Quotient R → B :=
λ x, Quot.withUseOf H (Quot.lift f (λ a b, λ (rel.line ε), elimEq (H a b ε)) x.elim) x.elim

@[eliminator] hott axiom ind {A : Type u} {R : A → A → Type v} {B : Quotient R → Type w}
(f : Π x, B (elem x)) (ε : Π x y H, f x =[line H] f y) : Π x, B x :=
λ x, Quot.withUseOf ε (@Quot.hrecOn A (rel R) (B ∘ Resize.intro) x.elim f
(λ a b, λ (rel.line H), HEq.fromPathover (line H) (ε a b H))) x.elim

hott opaque recβrule {A : Type u} {B : Type v} {R : A → A → Type w}
(f : A → B) (ε : Π x y, R x y → f x = f y) {x y : A}
(g : R x y) : ap (rec f ε) (line g) = ε x y g :=

hott opaque indβrule {A : Type u} {R : A → A → Type v} {B : Quotient R → Type w}
(f : Π x, B (elem x)) (ε : Π x y H, f x =[line H] f y)
{x y : A} (g : R x y) : apd (ind f ε) (line g) = ε x y g :=

attribute [irreducible] Quotient

variable {A : Type u} {R : A → A → Type v} {B : Quotient R → Type w}
(f : Π x, B (elem x)) (ε₁ ε₂ : Π x y H, f x =[line H] f y)

#failure ind f ε₁ ≡ ind f ε₂

variable {A : Type u} {R : A → A → Type v} {B : Type w}
(f : A → B) (ε₁ ε₂ : Π x y, R x y → f x = f y)

#failure rec f ε₁ ≡ rec f ε₂
end Quotient

end GroundZero.HITs
104 changes: 104 additions & 0 deletions GroundZero/HITs/Setquot.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
import GroundZero.HITs.Trunc

open GroundZero.Types.Id (ap)
open GroundZero.Types.Equiv
open GroundZero.Structures
open GroundZero.Theorems
open GroundZero.Types
open GroundZero

namespace GroundZero.HITs
universe u v w u' v' w'

hott definition Setquot {A : Type u} (R : A → A → Prop v) := ∥Quotient (λ x y, (R x y).1)∥₀

hott definition Setquot.elem {A : Type u} {R : A → A → Prop v} : A → Setquot R :=
Trunc.elem ∘ Quotient.elem

hott definition Setquot.sound {A : Type u} {R : A → A → Prop v} {a b : A} :
(R a b).1 → @Id (Setquot R) (Setquot.elem a) (Setquot.elem b) :=
begin intro; dsimp [elem]; apply ap Trunc.elem; apply Quotient.line; assumption end

hott lemma Setquot.set {A : Type u} {R : A → A → Prop v} : hset (Setquot R) :=
zeroEqvSet.forward (Trunc.uniq 0)

hott definition Setquot.ind {A : Type u} {R : A → A → Prop u'} {π : Setquot R → Type v}
(elemπ : Π x, π (Setquot.elem x))
(lineπ : Π x y H, elemπ x =[Setquot.sound H] elemπ y)
(set : Π x, hset (π x)) : Π x, π x :=
fapply Trunc.ind;
{ fapply Quotient.ind; apply elemπ;
{ intros x y H; apply Id.trans;
apply transportComp;
apply lineπ } };
{ intro; apply zeroEqvSet.left; apply set }

attribute [eliminator] Setquot.ind

hott definition Setquot.rec {A : Type u} {R : A → A → Prop u'} {B : Type v}
(elemπ : A → B) (lineπ : Π x y, (R x y).fst → elemπ x = elemπ y) (set : hset B) : Setquot R → B :=
@Setquot.ind A R (λ _, B) elemπ (λ x y H, pathoverOfEq (Setquot.sound H) (lineπ x y H)) (λ _, set)

hott definition Setquot.lift₂ {A : Type u} {R₁ : A → A → Prop u'} {B : Type v} {R₂ : B → B → Prop v'}
{γ : Type w} (R₁refl : Π x, (R₁ x x).fst) (R₂refl : Π x, (R₂ x x).fst) (f : A → B → γ)
(h : hset γ) (p : Π a₁ a₂ b₁ b₂, (R₁ a₁ b₁).fst → (R₂ a₂ b₂).fst → f a₁ a₂ = f b₁ b₂) : Setquot R₁ → Setquot R₂ → γ :=
fapply @Setquot.rec A R₁ (Setquot R₂ → γ);
{ intro x; fapply Setquot.rec; exact f x;
{ intros y₁ y₂ H; apply p; apply R₁refl; exact H };
{ assumption } };
{ intros x y H; apply Theorems.funext; fapply Setquot.ind;
{ intro z; apply p; assumption; apply R₂refl };
{ intros; apply h };
{ intros; apply Structures.propIsSet; apply h } };
{ apply zeroEqvSet.forward; apply Structures.piRespectsNType 0;
intros; apply zeroEqvSet.left; apply h }

hott definition Relquot {A : Type u} (s : eqrel A) := Setquot s.rel

hott definition Relquot.elem {A : Type u} {s : eqrel A} : A → Relquot s :=

hott definition Relquot.sound {A : Type u} {s : eqrel A} {a b : A} :
s.apply a b → @Id (Relquot s) (Relquot.elem a) (Relquot.elem b) :=

hott corollary Relquot.set {A : Type u} {s : eqrel A} : hset (Relquot s) :=
by apply Setquot.set

hott definition Relquot.ind {A : Type u} {s : eqrel A}
{π : Relquot s → Type v}
(elemπ : Π x, π (Relquot.elem x))
(lineπ : Π x y H, elemπ x =[Relquot.sound H] elemπ y)
(set : Π x, hset (π x)) : Π x, π x :=
Setquot.ind elemπ lineπ set

attribute [eliminator] Relquot.ind

hott definition Relquot.indProp {A : Type u} {s : eqrel A}
{π : Relquot s → Type v} (elemπ : Π x, π (Relquot.elem x))
(propπ : Π x, prop (π x)) : Π x, π x :=
intro x; induction x; apply elemπ; apply propπ;
apply Structures.propIsSet; apply propπ

hott definition Relquot.rec {A : Type u} {B : Type v} {s : eqrel A}
(elemπ : A → B)
(lineπ : Π x y, s.apply x y → elemπ x = elemπ y)
(set : hset B) : Relquot s → B :=
by apply Setquot.rec <;> assumption

hott definition Relquot.lift₂ {A : Type u} {B : Type v} {γ : Type w}
{s₁ : eqrel A} {s₂ : eqrel B} (f : A → B → γ) (h : hset γ)
(p : Π a₁ a₂ b₁ b₂, s₁.apply a₁ b₁ → s₂.apply a₂ b₂ → f a₁ a₂ = f b₁ b₂) :
Relquot s₁ → Relquot s₂ → γ :=
fapply Setquot.lift₂; apply s₁.iseqv.fst; apply s₂.iseqv.fst;
repeat { assumption }

end GroundZero.HITs

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