a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z
- Ability Team Tracker(ATT): https://github.com/SushiWoW/MoP-ATT
- All The Things: https://github.com/Maczuga/AllTheThings-MoP
- BigDebuffs: https://github.com/ManneN1/BigDebuffs-MoP
- Details: https://github.com/vaniron/MoP-Details
- ElvUI - https://github.com/ElvUI-MoP/ElvUI-5.4.8
- Immersion: https://github.com/SushiWoW/MoP-Immersion
- Masque Skins: https://github.com/SFX-WoW/Masque/wiki/Skin-List
- OmniBar: https://github.com/ManneN1/OmniBar-MoP
- Simulation Craft addon: https://github.com/kennipj/SimulationCraft-Addon-5.4.8
- Skada for MoP Revisited: https://github.com/bkader/Skada-MoP/
- WeakAuras2: https://github.com/Maczuga/WeakAuras2-MoP
- Shared weakauras (WAs) and ElvUI profiles: https://wa.stormforge.gg/
- Simulation Craft app: https://github.com/kennipj/simulationcraft-MoP/releases