This is the entire site and documentation for and
Retrieve the exported swagger documentation from a running instance of Flapjack v2+'s JSONAPI, e.g.:
wget http://localhost:3081/doc -O flapjack_swagger.json
You should probably install swagger-tools and use that to validate the exported file. (You may also need to use a prettifier like json_pp
if the file fails validation, as it's not output in a particularly readable format.)
swagger-tools validate flapjack_swagger.json
Move/copy the generated file to lib/swagger/api.json
in this repo and build/publish as normal.
mv flapjack_swagger.json lib/swagger/api.json
From your checkout of the repository:
bundle exec middleman build
bundle exec middleman server
Middleman will monitor all files in source/ and trigger a build on change.
View your changes at http://localhost:4567/.
When you want to push updated documentation to, run:
# stop the middleman server if it's running and then:
git commit
git push
rm -rf build && bundle exec rake publish
This will build the content from source/ and copy the files to the gh-pages branch on GitHub.
The default version of the documentation is specified in the config.rb in the top-level directory.
To update all the links, update the following variables:
set :default_version, 1.0
set :layout, "1.0"
Refer the README under source/