- Name: ghetto-timemachine.rb
- Author: Mike Hanby
- Email: flakrat at yahoo.com
- Org: University of Alabama at Birmingham IT Research Computing
- License: Apache License, Version 2.0 - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html
Disclaimer: This is my first stab at a Ruby script, so tips, fixes, suggestions, whatever are welcome. I'm a sysadmin, not a programmer, so please let me know if there are any style mistakes, odd logic, etc...
The name of the script comes from:
- ghetto - A highly popular open source backup script for VMware ESX servers is uses ghetto, figured I'd borrow from that
- timemachine - the end result of the backup is "sort of" like the fruit named tech company's Time Machine
The core functionality of the script comes from: http://www.mikerubel.org/computers/rsync_snapshots/
The backup creates the following sub directories under the target directory:
- target
- daily
- sunday
- monday
- tuesday
- wednesday
- thursday
- friday
- saturday
- weekly
- week1
- week2
- week3
- week4
- monthly
- january
- february .......
- december
- latest -> symlink to latest daily snapshot
- daily
Here's what it does sequentially (assume we are running the script on Thursday, March 8th):
- Verifies that the dest exists, if not it errors out
- Executes any commands provided by the --precmds cli option
- Creates the daily, weekly and monthly directories in $dest
- Prints a fancy header :-)
- Creates the weekday (monday, tuesday...) named directories under daily if they don't exist
- Removes the snapshot (directory) for the current day of the week (dest/daily/thursday)
- Creates a hardlinked copy of dest/daily/wednesday to dest/daily/thursday. The two directories are now identical, all files inodes are the same, so disk usage hasn't changed by much
- Using the rsync command, src is synced into dest/daily/thursday. The script uses the
options to remove anything from the dest that doesn't currently exist in the src - Create a symbolic link dest/latest pointing to dest/daily/thursday, making it easy to access the most recent backup
- On Sunday, it will remove the oldest weekly directory (week4), rotate the others (week3 to 4, 2 to 3, 1 to 2), and then create a snapshot of Saturday in weekly/week1
- On the first day of every month it will create a snapshot for the previous month based on the previous day snapshot, first removing the existing snapshot for the month, so we only keep 12 months
- Executes and commands provided by the
cli option - Print a nice summary
- Local source to local destination
./ghetto-timemachine.rb --src ~/Pictures --dest /media/USB/backup --excludes \*.raw,\*.bmp
- Local source to remote destination (uses ssh keys)
./ghetto-timemachine.rb --src ~/Pictures --dest user@server:/backup --excludes \*.raw,\*.bmp
The following is an example cron job to run the script at 1:10 AM, including PATHs to user supplied Ruby libraries (line breaks added for readability)
10 1 - * - export GEM_HOME=$HOME/.ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8 ; \
export RUBYLIB=$HOME/.ruby/lib:$HOME/.ruby/lib/site_ruby/1.8:$RUBYLIB ; \
$HOME/bin/ghetto-timemachine.rb --src $HOME \
--dest nas-srv:/backups/user1/workstation \
--exclude=tmp/\*,Downloads/\*,archive/\*,lost+found \
| mail -s "SNAPSHOT - Home Directory on $(hostname -s)" flakrat
Another example providing pre and post commands to savestate and resume virtual machines:
10 1 - * - export GEM_HOME=$HOME/.ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8 ; \
export RUBYLIB=$HOME/.ruby/lib:$HOME/.ruby/lib/site_ruby/1.8:$RUBYLIB ; \
$HOME/bin/ghetto-timemachine.rb --src $HOME \
--dest user1@nas-srv:/backups/user1/workstation \
--exclude=tmp/\*,Downloads/\*,archive/\*,lost+found \
--precmds '/usr/bin/VBoxManage list runningvms > /var/tmp/runningvms.log',"/usr/bin/awk '{ print \$1; system(\"/usr/bin/VBoxManage controlvm \" \$1 \" savestate\") }' /var/tmp/runningvms.log" \
--postcmds "/usr/bin/awk '{ print \$1; system(\"/usr/bin/VBoxManage startvm \" \$1) }' /var/tmp/runningvms.log","rm /var/tmp/runningvms.log"