A Symfony project created on August 17, 2017, 9:26 pm.
- Docker CE for Windows, Docker CE for Linux or Docker CE for MAC (require docker-sync) installed
- curl installed on the host machine or POSTMAN
- Docker compose installed
From the root folder of the application :
cd docker
Install and start the Docker stack.
The docker stack is composed by 3 containers : php7 (latest), mariadb (latest) and nginx. All the configuration is done. You will just need to specify the database host in Symfony parameters.yml
Using Docker CE on Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora...) or Docker CE on Windows (it will use docker-compose.yml file) :
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
Sometimes, it is possible that the database container (mariadb) does not start. Just run this command :
docker-compose start
If you are on Mac OSX and that you use Docker CE for MAC. You should use docker-sync to speed up the synchronization. I won't explain how to install it here. If docker-sync is already installed on your Mac, just run this command in another terminal windows :
docker-sync-stack start
You only need this command. It will start the containers (php7, mariadb, nginx). Keep this terminal windows open.
- Find the ip address of the mariadb container
First run this command in a terminal windows
docker inspect --format '' $(docker ps -f name=db -q)
If there is no output, that means the mariadb container is not runing. Just run
docker-compose start
docker inspect --format '' $(docker ps -f name=db -q)
On the output look for the "NetworkSettings" key, then "Networks", then "docker_default" and look for "IPAddress".
- Copy and past the value in database_host parameter in parameters.yml
Set www-data user and group as owner of the files inside the project. Connect to the php container with the root user using this command
docker exec -it chat_api_php bash
When you are in the bash run
chown -R www-data:www-data .
Exit from the bash
Connect to the php container with the www-data user.
docker exec -itu www-data chat_api_php bash
Then install the vendors with composer (already installed in the php container)
composer install
Create the database (it should already exist but do it to be sure) :
bin/console d:d:c --if-not-exists
Create the database schema
bin/console d:s:c
- Send invitation
In a command shell run
curl -XPOST -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' --data-binary @src/DataFixtures/Json/send-invitation.json http://localhost:8000/send-invitation -v -s
- Unit tests
Just run
vendor/bin/phpunit tests/Unit
- Functional tests
Just run
vendor/bin/phpunit tests/Functional
- All tests
Just run
vendor/bin/phpunit tests