A Node.js ES6 REST API
API Documentation can be found at: https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/1588301/S1TZzbyP?version=latest
Download or clone the repository, open a terminal inside the folder and run:
docker-compose build
This will build two containers. A mongodb for the database, and a Node.js where our API application will run.
Start the containers:
docker-compose up
This will start the containers. The containers are configured for development, so a change in the code will be applied to the API container and will restart it.
Use docker logs for better visualization
docker logs -f api_server
If the db has no users, it will be populated with one of each role. (admin and customer)
Postman is recommended for manually testing. There is a postman collection here. Import it into Postman in order to have a set of requests ready to be used. Remember to change the jwt in the authorization headers to test the request as different user roles.