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HelloAsso For SJB

Script to export data from helloasso to google spreadsheet

How to

Read this to initialize a google cloud project that will allow a script to write into a spreadsheet


python 3.6+


Virtual environment (optional but definitely the best way)

The best way is to use a python virtual environment.

  • Install pip if it is not
  • Install venv
pip install venv
  • Clone the repository
git clone
  • At the root directory of the projet, install the virtual environment:
python -m venv pyth3 -p /usr/bin/python3
  • pyth3 will be the name of your virtual env
  • change /usr/bin/python3 to make it match to the python3 path on your environment

This command will create a pyth3 (or whatever you chose for the virtual environment name) in the root directory.

  • Run the venv:

From there, all the command you run will use the python3 virtual env you have created

  • Install the dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt

Set the environment variables (HelloAsso API)

To retrieve data from HelloAsso API, the following environment variables must be set first:

export ORGANIZATION_ID=    # can be get here:
export CAMPAIGN_ID=        # can be get here: 

# Contact HelloAsso support to get your own user/password values
export API_KEY=
export API_USER=

Run the HelloAsso exporter

The exporter script gets all the data from a given HelloAsso campaign to a given google spreadsheet. The script only adds new rows: it makes no deletion nor change to avoid loose of hand added data. The script loads every items from HelloAsso campaign, but only add new items to the google spreasheet: for this, it checks the helloasso id (first column)

Shell script

You can use the bash script to run the transfert between HelloAsso and Google Spreadsheet. Create a .env file that set the environment variables values

export CAMPAIGN_ID= 	
export API_KEY=
export API_USER=
export GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS=   # Content of the google auth credentials file

Make the script executable and run it (it requires bash installed on your system and located in /bin/bash):


Python script

The script may be run with python (env variables must be set first):


Heroku notes

To automate the job run with an heroku account, follow these steps :

You will have to set the env variables with the Dashboard or with the CLi:

heroku config:set ORGANIZATION_ID=
heroku config:set CAMPAIGN_ID=
heroku config:set API_KEY=
heroku config:set API_USER=
heroku config:set GOOGLE_SPREADSHEET=
heroku config:set GOOGLE_FOLDER_ID=

GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS => use the dashboard and put the content of the credentials.json file
  • The runtime.txt must contains the python version to use
  • The project must have a requirements.txt
  • The Procfile file associates a name (export) to the command to run

To deploy the app, use the heroku cli:

git push heroku master

And add the task to lauch:

heroku ps:scale export=1


[x] Use helloasso api instead of csv export [x] Crontab the job to make export automatic [ ] Email bill [x] Backup HelloAsso files (medical certificates) to Google Drive

New year

  • Connect to Heroku and change the variables
  • Don't forget to share the new spreadsheat with the user ([email protected])


Tools for exporting hello asso data






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