The primary focus of the work is to recognize the entity from biomedical literature. This is a typical problem from the natural language processing domain and useful in a different spectrum of health care and biomedical research. This work has two goals - preprocess the data that includes data cleaning, preparation for transfer learning, and analysis and model development using deep learning network for prediction.
- Python (3.6.0)
- Pandas (0.24.1)
- NumPy (1.16.0)
- Juypter (4.4.0)
- Matplotlib (3.0.2)
Each of these data sources was published in scientific journals. The first two sources were curated manually and considered as gold standard data. The pubtator provides curated data of 5.6 GB for a disease and is used to quantify the disease entity that exists in the gold standard data.
$ python3 ./ -h
Before using the commands provided below, download the NCBIDisease and CDR datasets from the linked described above. The program supports txt or XML file formats.
$ python3 ./ -i ./data/NCBIdiseaseDataset/NCBI_corpus_gs.txt | tee ./NCBI_corpus_gs.out
$ python3 ./ -i ./data/CDR_Data/CDR.Corpus.v010516/CDR_gs_PubTator.txt | tee ./CDR_gs.out
$ cd ./notebook/
Notebooks contain analysis for multiplicity in disease named entity and quantification of disease entity useful for transfer learning
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