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Export proofs extracted from TPTP to JSON
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augustepoiroux committed Feb 12, 2024
1 parent 57a57f0 commit 4a6bbbb
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Showing 4 changed files with 132 additions and 81 deletions.
5 changes: 1 addition & 4 deletions build.sbt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,9 +16,6 @@ ThisBuild / semanticdbEnabled := true
ThisBuild / semanticdbVersion := scalafixSemanticdb.revision
ThisBuild / scalafixDependencies += "com.github.liancheng" %% "organize-imports" % "0.6.0"

val commonSettings = Seq(
crossScalaVersions := Seq("2.12.13", "2.13.4", "3.0.1", "3.2.0"),
run / fork := true
Expand All @@ -41,6 +38,7 @@ val commonSettings3 = commonSettings ++ Seq(
libraryDependencies += "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "3.2.10" % "test",
libraryDependencies += "com.lihaoyi" %% "sourcecode" % "0.3.0",
libraryDependencies += "com.lihaoyi" %% "ujson" % "3.1.0",
// libraryDependencies += "org.scala-lang.modules" %% "scala-parser-combinators" % "2.1.1",
libraryDependencies += ("io.github.uuverifiers" %% "princess" % "2023-06-19").cross(CrossVersion.for3Use2_13),
Test / parallelExecution := false
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -102,7 +100,6 @@ ThisBuild / assemblyMergeStrategy := {

lazy val examples = Project(
id = "lisa-examples",
base = file("lisa-examples")
Expand Down
170 changes: 104 additions & 66 deletions lisa-examples/src/main/scala/TPTPSolver.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,88 +7,126 @@ import lisa.utils.ProofsConverter.*
import lisa.utils.RunSolver.*
import lisa.utils.tptp.*
import lisa.utils.tptp.KernelParser.*
import lisa.utils.tptp.ProblemGatherer.*
import lisa.kernel.proof.SCProof
import lisa.kernel.proof.SequentCalculus.Sequent
import lisa.kernel.proof.SCProofChecker.checkSCProof
import lisa.utils.ProofsShrink.optimizeProofIteratively

object TPTPSolver extends lisa.Main {
try {
val spc = Seq("PRP", "FOF") // type of problems we want to extract and solve
// val spc = Seq("PRP", "FOF", "CNF") // almost no CNF problems are solved by Tableau, TODO: investigate why

// val d = new File(TPTPProblemPath)
// val libraries = d.listFiles.filter(_.isDirectory)
// val probfiles = libraries.flatMap(_.listFiles).filter(_.isFile)

val d = new File(TPTPProblemPath + "SYN/")
val probfiles = d.listFiles.filter(_.isFile)

// We limit the execution time to solve each problem
val timeoutTableau = .1.second
val timeoutTautology = .1.second

var nbProblemsExtracted = 0
var nbProblemsSolvedByTableau = 0
var nbProblemsSolvedByTautology = 0

for ((probfile, i) <- probfiles.zipWithIndex) {
// Progress bar
if ((i + 1) % 10 == 0 || i + 1 == probfiles.size) {
val pbarLength = 30
var pbarContent = "=" * (((i + 1) * pbarLength) / probfiles.size)
pbarContent += " " * (pbarLength - pbarContent.length)
print(s" -- ${i + 1}/${probfiles.size} processed files")
print(s" -- $nbProblemsExtracted extracted problems")
print(s" -- Tableau: $nbProblemsSolvedByTableau solved")
println(s" -- Tautology: $nbProblemsSolvedByTautology solved")
sealed trait ProofType
case object BySolver extends ProofType
case object Kernel extends ProofType
case object KernelOptimized extends ProofType

class ProblemSolverResults(val problem: Problem, val solverName: String, val solverStatus: String, val proofCode: String, val proofType: ProofType)

val exportOnlySolvedProblems = true
val exportOptimizedProofs = true
val exportBySolverProofs = true

val jsonResultsPath: String = "/home/auguste/Documents/EPFL/PhD/Projects/lisa/lisa-examples/src/main/resources/TPTPResults.json"
val TPTPProblemPath: String = "/home/auguste/Documents/EPFL/PhD/Projects/TPTP-v8.2.0/Problems/"

val spc = Seq("PRP", "FOF") // type of problems we want to extract and solve
// val spc = Seq("CNF") // almost no CNF problems are solved by Tableau, TODO: investigate why

// val d = new File(TPTPProblemPath)
// val libraries = d.listFiles.filter(_.isDirectory)
// val probfiles = libraries.flatMap(_.listFiles).filter(_.isFile)

val d = new File(TPTPProblemPath + "SYN/")
val probfiles = d.listFiles.filter(_.isFile)

// We limit the execution time to solve each problem
val timeoutTableau = .1.second
val timeoutTautology = .1.second

// Try to extract and solve the problem
try {
val md = getProblemInfos(probfile)
var nbProblemsExtracted = 0
var nbProblemsSolved = Map("Tableau" -> 0, "Tautology" -> 0)
var nbInvalidProofs = Map("Tableau" -> 0, "Tautology" -> 0)
var results = Seq.empty[ProblemSolverResults]

for ((probfile, i) <- probfiles.zipWithIndex) {
// Progress bar
if ((i + 1) % 10 == 0 || i + 1 == probfiles.size) {
val pbarLength = 20
var pbarContent = "=" * (((i + 1) * pbarLength) / probfiles.size)
pbarContent += " " * (pbarLength - pbarContent.length)
print(s" -- ${i + 1}/${probfiles.size} processed files")
print(s" -- $nbProblemsExtracted extracted problems")
print(s" -- Tableau: ${nbProblemsSolved("Tableau")} solved + ${nbInvalidProofs("Tableau")} invalid")
println(s" -- Tautology: ${nbProblemsSolved("Tautology")} solved + ${nbInvalidProofs("Tautology")} invalid")

// Try to extract and solve the problem
try {
val md = getProblemInfos(probfile)
if (!(md.spc.contains("SAT"))) {
if (md.spc.exists(spc.contains)) {
val p = problemToKernel(probfile, md)
val seq = problemToSequent(p)
val problem = problemToKernel(probfile, md)
val seq = problemToSequent(problem)
nbProblemsExtracted += 1

def exportResults(problem: Problem, solverName: String, solverResult: SolverResult): Unit =
val solverStatus = solverResult.getClass.getSimpleName.stripSuffix("$")
solverResult match
case Solved(proof) =>
nbProblemsSolved += (solverName -> (nbProblemsSolved(solverName) + 1))
results :+= new ProblemSolverResults(problem, solverName, solverStatus, generateStandaloneTheoremFileContent(, proof), Kernel)
if (exportOptimizedProofs)
results :+= new ProblemSolverResults(problem, solverName, solverStatus, generateStandaloneTheoremFileContent(, optimizeProofIteratively(proof)), KernelOptimized)
if (exportBySolverProofs)
val statementString = any2code(seq)
val proofCode = s"have(thesis) by $solverName"
val symbolDeclarations = generateSymbolDeclarationCode(Set(K.sequentToFormula(seq)), "private")
results :+= new ProblemSolverResults(problem, solverName, solverStatus, generateStandaloneTheoremFileContent(, statementString, proofCode, symbolDeclarations), BySolver)
case InvalidProof(proof) =>
nbInvalidProofs += (solverName -> (nbInvalidProofs(solverName) + 1))
if (!exportOnlySolvedProblems)
results :+= new ProblemSolverResults(problem, solverName, solverStatus, generateStandaloneTheoremFileContent(, proof), Kernel)
case _ =>
if (!exportOnlySolvedProblems)
results :+= new ProblemSolverResults(problem, solverName, solverStatus, "", Kernel)

// Attempting proof by Tableau
proveSequent(seq, timeoutTableau, Tableau.solve) match {
case Solved(proof) =>
if (checkSCProof(proof).isValid)
nbProblemsSolvedByTableau += 1
// writeProof(p, proof, "examples/proofs/tableau/")
else throw new Exception("Tableau proof is not valid")
case _ => ()
val tableauResult = proveSequent(seq, timeoutTableau, Tableau.solve)
exportResults(problem, "Tableau", tableauResult)

// Attempting proof by Tautology
def tautologySolver(s: lisa.utils.K.Sequent): Option[SCProof] = Tautology.solveSequent(s) match
case Left(proof) => Some(proof)
case _ => None
proveSequent(seq, timeoutTautology, tautologySolver) match {
case Solved(proof) =>
if (checkSCProof(proof).isValid)
nbProblemsSolvedByTautology += 1
// writeProof(p, proof, "examples/proofs/tautology/")
else throw new Exception("Tautology proof is not valid")
case _ => ()
val tautologyResult = proveSequent(seq, timeoutTautology, tautologySolver)
exportResults(problem, "Tautology", tautologyResult)
} catch {
case e => println(s"Error while processing $probfile: $e")
// } else println(s"Problem $probfile not extracted because of its type: ${md.spc.mkString(",")}")
} catch {
case error: NullPointerException => println("You can download the tptp library at and put it in main/resources")
} catch case e => println(s"Error while processing $probfile (index $i): $e")

def writeProof(problem: Problem, proof: SCProof, path: String): Unit = {
val file = new File(path + + ".sc")
val bw = new FileWriter(file)
val fileContent = generateStandaloneTheoremFileContent(, proof)
// Write results to a JSON file
val jsonResultsFile = new File(jsonResultsPath)
if (!jsonResultsFile.getParentFile.exists())
val jsonWriter = new
ujson.writeTo( =>
"problemName" ->,
"problemDomain" -> r.problem.domain,
"problemStatus" -> r.problem.status,
"problemSPC" -> r.problem.spc.mkString(","),
"problemSequent" -> any2code(problemToSequent(r.problem)),
"problemFile" -> r.problem.file,
"solver" -> r.solverName,
"solverStatus" -> r.solverStatus,
"solverProofCode" -> r.proofCode,
"proofType" -> r.proofType.getClass.getSimpleName.stripSuffix("$")
indent = 2

32 changes: 22 additions & 10 deletions lisa-utils/src/main/scala/lisa/utils/ProofsConverter.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ object ProofsConverter {
* @return Scala code representing the variables in string format
private def generateVariablesCode(formulas: Set[K.Formula], accessibility: String): String =
def generateSymbolDeclarationCode(formulas: Set[K.Formula], accessibility: String): String =
val (variableSet, functionSet, formulaVariableSet, predicateSet, connectorSet) = extractSymbols(formulas)
val access = if accessibility != "" then accessibility.strip() + " " else ""
( => access + s"val ${} = variable").toList.sorted ++
Expand All @@ -184,8 +184,8 @@ object ProofsConverter {
* @return Scala code representing the variables in string format
def generateVariablesCode(proof: K.SCProof, accessibility: String = "private"): String =
generateVariablesCode(extractFormulasFromProof(proof), accessibility)
def generateSymbolDeclarationCode(proof: K.SCProof, accessibility: String = "private"): String =
generateSymbolDeclarationCode(extractFormulasFromProof(proof), accessibility)

* Generates a valid Scala/Lisa code of a theorem and its proof
Expand All @@ -195,13 +195,13 @@ object ProofsConverter {
* @return Scala code representing the theorem in string format
private def generateTheoremCode(name: String, proof: K.SCProof): String = {
def generateTheoremCode(name: String, statementString: String, proofCode: String): String = {
// lowercase and underscore-separated version of the theorem name
val filteredName = "[A-Za-z0-9]+".r.findAllIn(name).mkString("_").toLowerCase
s"val $filteredName = Theorem(\n" +
indent(any2code(proof.conclusion)) +
indent(statementString) +
s"\n) {\n" +
indent(scproof2code(proof)) +
indent(proofCode) +

Expand All @@ -210,20 +210,32 @@ object ProofsConverter {
* The theorem and its proof must be self-contained, i.e. no dependencies to other theorems, axioms, definitions, etc.
* @param name name of the theorem
* @param proof proof of the theorem
* @param proofCode code of the proof of the theorem
* @return Scala code representing the theorem in string format
def generateStandaloneTheoremFileContent(name: String, proof: K.SCProof): String =
def generateStandaloneTheoremFileContent(name: String, statementString: String, proofCode: String, symbolDeclarations: String): String =
val camelName = "[A-Za-z0-9]+".r.findAllIn(name).map(_.capitalize).mkString
s"object $camelName extends lisa.Main {\n\n" +
generateVariablesCode(proof) +
symbolDeclarations +
"\n\n" +
generateTheoremCode(name, proof)
generateTheoremCode(name, statementString, proofCode)
) +

* Generates a valid Scala/Lisa code of a theorem and its proof in a standalone file, including the necessary variables declarations.
* The theorem and its proof must be self-contained, i.e. no dependencies to other theorems, axioms, definitions, etc.
* @param name name of the theorem
* @param proof proof of the theorem
* @return Scala code representing the theorem in string format
def generateStandaloneTheoremFileContent(name: String, proof: K.SCProof): String =
generateStandaloneTheoremFileContent(name, any2code(proof.conclusion), scproof2code(proof), generateSymbolDeclarationCode(proof))

* Parse and check that a generated theorem file is valid, i.e. that it compiles and the theorem is proven
* @param fileContent content of the generated file
Expand Down
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion lisa-utils/src/main/scala/lisa/utils/RunSolver.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,10 +7,12 @@ import java.util.concurrent.CancellationException

import lisa.kernel.proof.SCProof
import lisa.kernel.proof.SequentCalculus.Sequent
import lisa.kernel.proof.SCProofChecker.checkSCProof

object RunSolver {
sealed trait SolverResult
case class Solved(proof: SCProof) extends SolverResult
case class InvalidProof(proof: SCProof) extends SolverResult
case object Unsolved extends SolverResult
case object Timeout extends SolverResult
case class SolverThrow(t: Throwable) extends SolverResult
Expand All @@ -19,7 +21,9 @@ object RunSolver {
val (futureSolver, cancelSolver) = Future.interruptibly { solver(sequent) }
Await.result(futureSolver, timeout) match
case Some(proof) => Solved(proof)
case Some(proof) =>
if (checkSCProof(proof).isValid) Solved(proof)
else InvalidProof(proof)
case None => Unsolved
case _: TimeoutException =>
Expand Down

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