A sheep herding game made at Rails Camp Scotland 2016.
I spent the day before Rails Camp Scotland 2016 exploring the country side of Scotland; one word: Sheep. That night I flicked on the TV. It was sheep herding. I was inspired and decided to try making a game based on the real deal.
Install prerequisites for gosu e.g.,
brew install sdl2
Install gems
bundle install
Launch the game
ruby game.rb
Based on real life sheep herding commands
w Find - search for the stock
a Come-bye - go to the left of the stock, or clockwise around them
s Away to me - go to the right of the stock or counter clockwise around them.
d That'll do - stop working and return to the handler.
arrow keys - walk
space - close/open the gate
Pull requests welcome. Here's some ideas.
- Stop sheep running through fence
- Remove farmers telepathic gate opening/closing powers
- Add sound effects (farmer commands, sheep and dog noises)
- Clean up graphics
- Add a splash screen to start and restart the game
- Prevent pen from appearing off the edge of the screen sometimes
- Refactoring
- Add ability to control via voice commands (hint: pocketsphinx gem)
Taken from wikipedia. These haven't been implemented yet.
Stand - stop, although when said gently may also mean just to slow down
Steady - slow down
Get out or back - move away from the stock. Use when the dog
Speak up - bark at the stock. Useful when more force is needed.