These workflow in these scripts identifies clusters of distinct food access based on a given good outlet dataset.
Inputs required
- food outlets point data
- points or polygons covering geographic area of interest at desired resolution. These could be eg census areas or a simple grid of points
Inputs Optional
- population data if calculating #stores/person
Calculate isochrones around points (isochrones.R)
- Calculate centroids if geographic area is polygons
- Calculate isochrones using OpenRouteService API
Identify clusters and profile them based food outlets, accessibility and diversity metrics (food_access.R)
- Calculate distance to the nearest grocery store from each centroid
- Calculate MRFEI, density of fast food and grocery stores/person for each isochrone
- Calculate Simpson's diversity, total abundance, and richness of food outlets for each isochrone
- Identify clusters based on food outlet type and abundance
- Verify clusters with non-metric multidimensional scaling and permanova (adonis)
This is a workflow - check and save outputs as you go
For more information on clustering and multivariate methods see Numerical Ecology with R