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Calculate profile/beatmap pp after the new rebalances.


  1. Be sure to clone all submodules recursively. Either clone with the --recursive flag, or run git submodule update --init --recursive.
  2. Install rustup. Use the nightly channel.
  3. Install .NET Core SDK 2.2.
  4. Set the env flags accordingly. See below for details.
  5. Run with cargo run. PerformanceCalculator will be built automatically.

Env flags

Variable Description Default value
OSU_PP_CALC_API_KEY The osu! api key. Required Not set
OSU_PP_CALC_DOTNET_COMMAND Name of the dotnet executable "dotnet"
OSU_PP_CALC_NUM_THREADS The number of workers that are spawned for profile PP calculations 2
OSU_PP_CALC_LOAD_SAVE_RESULTS If calculated profile results should be loaded/saved from/to a file on program start/close false
OSU_PP_CALC_RESULTS_FILE Where to load/save profile results ""
OSU_PP_CALC_BEATMAPS_CACHE Folder to save beatmap (.osu) files cache
OSU_PP_CALC_FORCE_INTERVAL_SECS Minimal interval needed to force a profile recalculation 15 * 60

Using Docker

Alternatively, you can run this service with Docker. Steps:

  1. Install Docker, if you haven't already.
  2. Start a swarm with docker swarm init in a shell.
  3. Set up your osu! api key as a secret. Run in bash/PowerShell:
echo "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE" | docker secret create osu_pp_calc_api_key -
  1. After creating the secret, create a service with:
docker service create --name osu-pp-rebalance \
       --secret osu_pp_calc_api_key \
       --publish published=8000,target=8000 \

This will download the latest image and run the service. The website will be available at http://localhost:8000. You can change the target port, if you wish.