Functional updates :
DSS: Enhancement on DSS, Finance Module State DSS, NSS Adaptor, Enhancements in National Dashboard- FAQ & About, National Dashboard Adaptor Integration Testing,
B&D: B&D Tabular Reports - in old UI/UX
W&S: W&S UI/UX Revamp, Bill amendment workflow update & UI/UX revamp, W&S disconnection
W&S Privacy Exemplar, Standard Reports for WnS - Receipt Register, Collection Register, Defaulters Report - in old UI/UX
Bill Genie UI/UX revamp
Help/FAQ section in Citizen UI - common framework - integration with all the modules
Notification based on channels - PGR and collect
OBPS Tabular Reports in old UI/UX, TL Tabular Reports in old UI/UX
New Module: Citizen engagement - Survey service
Non-functional: Navigation re-direction from New UI to OLD UI
Bulk Bill PDF Generation and Performance Testing
W&S Bulk Bill Generation and Performance Testing