The associated code to the paper Mimicking quantum correlation of a long-range Hamiltonian by finite-range interactions written by Leela Ganesh Chandra Lakkaraju, Srijon Ghosh, Debasis Sadhukhan, and Aditi Sen(De) and was published 22 November 2022 by PHYSICAL REVIEW A.
The quantum long-range extended Ising model possesses several striking features which cannot be observed in the corresponding short-range model. We report that the pattern obtained from the entanglement between any two arbitrary sites of the long-range model can be mimicked by the model having a finite range of interactions provided the interaction strength is moderate. On the other hand, we illustrate that when the interactions are strong, the entanglement distribution in the long-range model does not match the class of a model with a few interactions. We also show that the monogamy score of entanglement is in good agreement with the behavior of pairwise entanglement. Specifically, it saturates when the entanglement in the finite-range Hamiltonian behaves similarly to the long-range model, while it decays algebraically otherwise.
Code relies on the Quantum Information and Computation library (QIClib).
- Run
in a terminal (Linux) so that Armadillo is findable (Note it is possible this script is relevant to a local machine and will need to be upated based on user defined parameters). - Run the file
Data output is found at data/xZ_g_norm_1_n512.dat
The QIClib library has the following benefits.
- Mordern C++11 library suited for general purpose quantum computing.
- It supports cross platform usage (Linux, Windows and Mac OS X).
- It is a header only template library.
- It uses Armadillo (developed by Conrad Sanderson et al., Data61, Australia) for highly efficient linear algebra calculations, and if available, the NLopt nonlinear optimization library for certain features.
To see QIClib's GitHub goto:
title = {Mimicking quantum correlation of a long-range Hamiltonian by finite-range interactions},
author = {Lakkaraju, Leela Ganesh Chandra and Ghosh, Srijon and Sadhukhan, Debasis and Sen(De), Aditi},
journal = {Phys. Rev. A},
volume = {106},
issue = {5},
pages = {052425},
numpages = {13},
year = {2022},
month = {Nov},
publisher = {American Physical Society},
doi = {10.1103/PhysRevA.106.052425},
url = {}
A pdf version as found on arXiv is uploaded to the repository.
docs/arXiv-Can a finite range Hamiltonian mimic quantum correlation of a long-range Hamiltonian.pdf