A shell script to generate subtitles to display accurate timing (including milliseconds) in videos.
Kudos to [How to Display Milliseconds in Most Video Players (2010)] (http://graphics.cs.columbia.edu/wiki/doku.php?id=wiki:millisecondsinvideoplayer) by Steve Henderson.
The script accepts three parameters, in this order:
- the name of the video file - the subtitles file will be saved in the same location, with the extension replaced with '.srt'
- the duration of the video in seconds - one subtitle will be generated for each frame of the video over this duration (hint: this file will be large)
- the frame rate of the video (number of images per second) - each subtitle will display the frame number as well as the time in hh:mm:ss.mmm format.
$ ./srt4fps.sh video.avi 1245 30
I am also using the extension [Jump to time] (http://addons.videolan.org/content/show.php/Previous+frame?content=156396) for VLC media player, which displays the current time including milliseconds in a separate window, on the press of a button.
While the subtitles update more frequently, I found, while using VLC
on Mac OS X, that they have a tendency to disappear on pause,
and are not updated when moving to next frame using the shortcut key E
In this case, the extension might fill the gap. The timing displayed by subtitles and the extension is consistent, with differences lower than the duration of a single frame.