I am Dwayne (He/Him) - an Azure + Security MVP, MCT Regional Lead, ISC2 Authorized Trainer certified CISSP|CGRC|CCSP|CC, AWS Security + Identity Community Builder, and a life long learner with a passion for security and infrastructure within the public cloud, hybrid cloud, and multi-cloud. I am interested in cloud architecture and security solutions that empower the community.
π I have 35+ years of experience in design, architecture, training content development, and product management.
π I am blogging at #CaptainHyperscaler https://captainhyperscaler.github.io
π You can find me on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/dnatwick
π¬ Ask me things like: Azure, Microsoft 365, Architecture, Azure Policy, Cloud Security, and more........
π€ Check my Twitter: https://twitter.com/DwayneNcloud
π« Email me: [email protected]