From the given image dataset, we trained a 42-class Image classffier with ResNext_101_32x48d model pretrained on Imagenet dataset. Trained model can be downloaded from:
Shopee Product Detection Challenge
Pre-trained model:
Classification accruacy (42 classees): 86.18%
Significant images have text which can be identified using optical character recognition We used:
- Character-region awareness for text detection (CRAFT-PyTorch):
- Deep-text-recognition:
The above two repositories are merged to 1) identify text regions in an image, which futher is used to 2) detect text in the identified regions. The extracted text per image is combined to form a sentence. Doing this for all images will generate a new dataset consisting text (of an image) and its label (image product class).
From the given text dataset, we formulate a text classification problem:
- Input: Image text
- Output: Label representing product class
For this task, we fine-tune a BERT based classifier achieving 55% accuracy. This is significant as compared to random baseline classifier giving ~2.38%.
The pre-final layer BERT features can be downloaded from:
The proper fusion of vision and text is expected to increase the performance. Please use both the datasets and see if it helps.