An attempt to automate an online instllation of VMWare Gemfire on Kubernetes, which includes
- Prerequisistes (e.g.
etc.) - Role binding
- Image pull
- Kubernetes operator installation
- Passing optional configuration parameters e.g. number of locators, servers, cpu, memory etc.
- Enable the ingress for an outside-of-Kubernetes access, if needed
- Enabling the Redis API, if desired
installed and pointing to a Kubernetes cluster.
chmod +x
./ --registryuser <IMAGE REGISTRY USERNAME> --registrypassword <IMAGE REGISTRY PASSWORD>
Subsequent installation (create or modify cluster only):
./ --install_helm 0 --install_cert_manager 0 --create_role_binding 0 --install_operator 0 --install_carvel 0
Parameter | Default Value | Meaning |
install_carvel | 1 |
if to install helm (must be 1 if N/A since we need the ytt ) |
install_helm | 1 |
if to install helm (must be 1 N/A) |
install_cert_manager | 1 |
if to install cert_manager (must be 1 if N/A) |
install_operator | 1 |
if to install Kubernetes GemFire operator (must be 1 if N/A) |
Parameter | Default Value | Meaning |
operator_version | 2.2.0 |
The version of Kubernetes GemFire operator |
gemfire_version | 9.15.0 |
The GemFire version |
cluster_name | gemfire-cluster |
The name of GemFire cluster to create |
storage_class_name | "" | If specified, the storage class name to use |
load_balancer_mgmt | 1 |
If to create the load balancer service for the management API |
load_balancer_dev_api | 1 |
If to create the load balancer service for the Developer API |
anti_affinity_policy | None |
To be set to Cluster of Full in Production |
ingress_gateway_name | "" | If specified, ingress gateway name to use |
critical_heap_percentage | -1 |
If > 0, criticalHeapPercentage to use |
eviction_heap_percentage | -1 |
If > 0, evictionHeapPercentage to use |
enable_pdx | false |
Enable or disable the Pdx serialization |
tls_secret_name | "" | If specified, enables TLS and specifies the secret name to use |
locators | 1 |
The number of locators replica to create |
locator_cpu | 1 |
The CPUs per locator |
locator_memory | 1Gi |
The amount of memory per locator |
locator_storage | 1Gi |
The amount of storage per locator |
servers | 2 |
The number of servers replica to create |
server_cpu | 1 |
The CPUs per server |
server_memory | 1Gi |
The amount of memory per server |
server_storage | 1Gi |
The amount of storage per server |
extensions_enable_redis | 0 |
If to enable the Redis API |
Getting trust store or key store password:
kubectl -n tanzu-gemfire get secret gemfire-cluster-cert -o=jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 -d
If executed with default options:
kubectl exec -n tanzu-gemfire gemfire-cluster-locator-0 -it -- gfsh
connect --locator=gemfire-cluster-locator.tanzu-gemfire.svc.cluster.local[10334] --key-store=/certs/keystore.p12
key-store-password: ********************************************
key-store-type(default: JKS):
trust-store: /certs/truststore.p12
trust-store-password: ********************************************
trust-store-type(default: JKS):
ssl-ciphers(default: any):
ssl-protocols(default: any):
ssl-enabled-components(default: all):
Connecting to Locator at [host=gemfire-cluster-locator.tanzu-gemfire.svc.cluster.local, port=10334] ..
Connecting to Manager at [host=gemfire-cluster-locator-0.gemfire-cluster-locator.tanzu-gemfire.svc.cluster.local, port=1099] ..
Successfully connected to: [host=gemfire-cluster-locator-0.gemfire-cluster-locator.tanzu-gemfire.svc.cluster.local, port=1099]
You are connected to a cluster of version: 1.15.0
Copy certs from locator container to the local file system:
kubectl exec -n tanzu-gemfire gemfire-cluster-locator-0 -- tar cf - /certs | tar xf - -C .