Telegram bot to check the price change of products on Amazon and CamelCamelCamel
I am working on a new version that includes better structuring of resources and improved scalability. Unfortunately, my time for development is short so let's "give it time"
In the credential.json replace "YOUR_BOT_TOKEN" with the token of your Telegram bot.
The bot can be launched via Python command or via Docker
Into src/services/ decomment service_name for Command Line
Go into main folder and run the following commands:
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
For Linux users (with bash), to automate the steps, you can use the script
Go into main folder and run the following commands
docker build -t amazon_price_tracker .
docker run -d --name=amazon_price_tracker -it amazon_price_tracker
Telegram Bot: AmazonPriceTracker