I2P SAM Library
Changes v4.1.5
- Fixed documenation
- deps: node14 -> node16
- tests: updated docker container
- version update: minor
An I2P SAM library: enabling applications to communicate through the I2P network. I2P is a fully distributed, "privacy-by-design" network.
To get I2P up and running, take a look at the project: https://github.com/diva-exchange/i2p
Use Cases
I2P is an instantly available peer-to-peer network which can be used for things like:
- chat, social media and alike - all private and secure
- distributed databases, aka blockchains (see https://testnet.diva.exchange/ as an example)
- gaming, file sharing and ... whatever else you come up with
- I2P is fully distributed, well researched and gets further developed by a competent community.
This I2P SAM library helps developers to create an I2P application quickly and hassle-free.
Get Started
npm i @diva.exchange/i2p-sam
or, lighter, without developer dependencies:
npm i --omit dev @diva.exchange/i2p-sam