- Date Created: March 26, 2023
- Last Modification Date: April 11, 2023
A cloud-based web application leveraging AWS services and an AI-powered recommendation system to provide personalized college recommendations for high school students looking to pursue undergraduate studies in the USA and Canada.
Link to demo video of the app here.
[1]“Build an Authentication/Login System on AWS with React.js and a Serverless API - Part 1 (backend),” www. youtube.com. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgkgQtMplPY&t=2117s (accessed Apr. 11, 2023).
[2]“Build an Authentication/Login System on AWS with React.js and a Serverless API - Part 2 (frontend),” www.youtube.com. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ReNkQ0Xkccw&t=1699s (accessed Apr. 11, 2023).
[3]“Build a COMPLETE Fullstack Responsive MERN App with Auth, Likes, Dark Mode | React, MongoDB, MUI,” www.youtube.com. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8YELRmUb5o&t=324s (accessed Apr. 11, 2023).