Bring up ROS 2 and docker on the Jetson Nano/Jetson TX2 NX
This repo is assuming you are using a recent version of Jetpack (tested on Jetpack v4.6.x or v4.7.x) on the Jetson Nano or Jetson TX2 NX
If you have not installed/configured the Nvidia Contaainer Toolkit AND Isaac ROS Common ->>> STOP >>> these install scripts will not work until you have successfully installed the Nvidia Container Toolkit and ran the '' script in Isaac ROS Common:
Step 1) Clone the repo into your home directory.
Step 2) Copy all install scripts into ~/workspaces/isaac_ros-dev. You should already have this folder if you have followed the Issac ROS common repo instructions.
Step 3) change directories to ~/workspaces/isaac_ros-dev and run the command 'sudo chmod +rwx *.sh'
Step 4) run the command './', this takes a while the first time through, once in the container, change directory to ros_ws and colcon build (also takes a while). Once it finishes exit the container.
Step 5) Ensure you have the isaac ros docker image listed by running 'docker image ls'
Step 6) run the command './'*
Step 7) Confirm the running container 'docker ps'
Step 8) Confirm all topics are publishing via ROS 2 on a workstation using command line, Rviz2, or Foxglove studio
You may need to substitute your own ROS 2 camera driver if you are not using a usb single image stereo camera output (libuvc based) and using MIPI cameras instead. Also the stereo splitter node (side_x_side) is only for cameras that output a single output image that needs to be split.
Ensure to calibrate your camera and place the calibration files (*.yaml) in the config directory before running