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Porting over the reprojection part of the workflow.
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drewoldag committed Jul 18, 2024
1 parent 1efe0d6 commit b82919b
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Showing 2 changed files with 292 additions and 232 deletions.
236 changes: 5 additions & 231 deletions src/kbmod_wf/task_impls/
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@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
from kbmod import ImageCollection
from kbmod.configuration import SearchConfiguration

import os
import glob
Expand All @@ -18,249 +19,24 @@ def placeholder_ic_to_wu(ic_file=None, wu_file=None, logger=None):
return wu_file

def ic_to_wu(ic_file=None, uri_file=None, runtime_config={}, wu_file=None, logger=None):
def ic_to_wu(ic_file=None, runtime_config={}, wu_file=None, logger=None):
ic_to_wu_converter = ICtoWUConverter(
ic_file=ic_file, uri_file=uri_file, runtime_config=runtime_config, wu_file=wu_file, logger=logger
ic_file=ic_file, runtime_config=runtime_config, wu_file=wu_file, logger=logger

return ic_to_wu_converter.create_work_unit()

class ICtoWUConverter:
def __init__(self, ic_file=None, uri_file=None, runtime_config={}, wu_file=None, logger=None):
def __init__(self, ic_file=None, runtime_config={}, wu_file=None, logger=None):
self.ic_file = ic_file
self.uri_file = uri_file
self.runtime_config = runtime_config
self.wu_file = wu_file
self.logger = logger

self.overwrite = self.runtime_config.get("overwrite", False)
self.search_config = self.runtime_config.get("search_config", None)

# Default to 8 workers if not in the config. Value must be 0<num workers<65.
# self.n_workers = np.max(1, np.min(self.runtime_config.get("n_workers", 8), 64))

# ! Decide if we want these from a runtime_config or exclusively read from the uri file
# self.patch_corners = self.runtime_config.get("patch_corners", None)
# self.guess_dist = self.runtime_config.get("guess_dist", None)
# self.pixel_scale = self.runtime_config.get("pixel_scale", None)

# ! Decide if we want these from a runtime_config or calculate each time based on self.uri_params
# self.image_width = self.runtime_config.get("image_width", None)
# self.image_height = self.runtime_config.get("image_height", None)

# self.uri_params = self._get_params_from_uri_file(uri_file=self.uri_file)

# self.pixel_scale = self.uri_params['pixel_scale']

# handle image dimensions
# image_width = self.image_width
# image_height = self.image_height
# if image_width == None or image_height == None:
# if 'patch_box' not in self.uri_params:
# raise KeyError(f'Must supply image dimensions (image_width, image_height) or #patch_size= must be in a specified URI file.')
# if self.pixel_scale == None:
# raise KeyError(f'When patch pixel dimensions are not specifified, the user must supply a pixel scale via the command line or the uri file.')

# image_width, image_height = self._patch_arcmin_to_pixels(
# patch_size_arcmin=self.uri_params["patch_size"],
# pixel_scale_arcsec_per_pix=self.pixel_scale,
# )

# print_debug(f'(image_width, image_height) is ({image_width}, {image_height}).')

# copied from the third "if __name__== '__main__':" block in the original
# print_debug(f"Creating WCS from patch")

# Create a WCS object for the patch. This will be our common reprojection WCS
# patch_fits_name = f"patch.fits"
# if 'patch_id' in self.uri_params:
# patch_fits_name = f"patch_{self.uri_params['patch_id']}.fits"
# patch_wcs = self._create_wcs_from_corners(
# self.patch_corners,
# image_width,
# image_height,
# pixel_scale=self.pixel_scale,
# save_fits=True,
# filename=os.path.join(args.result_dir, patch_fits_name)
# )

# ======================
# Seems like below here in the __init__ method, belong in the `WUReprojector class` in the `` file.
# ======================

# else:
# print(f'Reading existing WorkUnit from disk: {orig_wu_file}')
# orig_wu = WorkUnit.from_fits(orig_wu_file)
# elapsed = round(time.time() - last_time,1)
# print_debug(f"{elapsed} seconds to read original WorkUnit ({orig_wu_file}).")

# # gather elements needed for reproject phase
# imgs = orig_wu.im_stack
# point_on_earth = EarthLocation(1814303.74553723, -5214365.7436216, -3187340.56598756, unit='m')

# # Find the EBD (estimated barycentric distance) WCS for each image

# last_time = time.time()
# ebd_per_image_wcs, geocentric_dists = transform_wcses_to_ebd(
# orig_wu._per_image_wcs,
# imgs.get_single_image(0).get_width(),
# imgs.get_single_image(0).get_height(),
# self.guess_dist, # args.guess_dist,
# [astropy.time.Time(img.get_obstime(), format='mjd') for img in imgs.get_images()],
# point_on_earth,
# npoints=10,
# seed=None,
# )
# elapsed = round(time.time() - last_time, 1)
# print_debug(f"{elapsed} seconds elapsed for transform WCS objects to EBD phase.")

# if len(orig_wu._per_image_wcs) != len(ebd_per_image_wcs):
# raise ValueError(f"Number of barycentric WCS objects ({len(ebd_per_image_wcs)}) does not match the original number of images ({len(orig_wu._per_image_wcs)}).")

# # Construct a WorkUnit with the EBD WCS and provenance data
# print_debug(f"Creating Barycentric WorkUnit...")
# last_time = time.time()
# ebd_wu = WorkUnit(
# im_stack=orig_wu.im_stack,
# config=orig_wu.config,
# per_image_wcs=orig_wu._per_image_wcs,
# per_image_ebd_wcs=ebd_per_image_wcs,
# heliocentric_distance=guess_dist,#args.guess_dist,
# geocentric_distances=geocentric_dists,
# )
# elapsed = round(time.time() - last_time, 1)
# print_debug(f"{elapsed} seconds elapsed to create EBD WorkUnit.")

# del orig_wu # 6/7/2024 COC

# # Reproject to a common WCS using the WCS for our patch
# print_debug(f"Reprojecting WorkUnit with {n_workers} workers...")
# last_time = time.time()
# reprojected_wu = reprojection.reproject_work_unit(ebd_wu, patch_wcs, frame="ebd", max_parallel_processes=n_workers)
# elapsed = round(time.time() - last_time, 1)
# print_debug(f"{elapsed} seconds elapsed to create the reprojected WorkUnit.")
# # print_debug("Reprojected WorkUnit created")

# # Save the reprojected WorkUnit
# reprojected_wu_file = os.path.join(args.result_dir, "reprojected_wu.fits")
# print_debug(f"Saving reprojected work unit to: {reprojected_wu_file}")
# last_time = time.time()
# reprojected_wu.to_fits(reprojected_wu_file)
# elapsed = round(time.time() - last_time, 1)
# print_debug(f"{elapsed} seconds elapsed to create the reprojected WorkUnit: {reprojected_wu_file}")

# def _get_params_from_uri_file(self, uri_file):
# """
# Get parameters we place into URI file as comments at the top.
# Example start of URI file (6/6/2024 COC):
# #desired_dates=['2019-04-02', '2019-05-07']
# #dist_au=42.0
# #patch_size=[20, 20]
# #patch_id=5845
# #patch_center_coords=(216.49999999999997, -13.500000000000005)
# #patch_box=[[216.33333333333331, -13.666666666666671], [216.33333333333331, -13.333333333333337], [216.66666666666666, -13.333333333333337], [216.66666666666666, -13.666666666666671], [216.33333333333331, -13.666666666666671]]
# /gscratch/dirac/DEEP/repo/DEEP/20190507/A0b/science#step6/20240425T145342Z/differenceExp/20190508/VR/VR_DECam_c0007_6300.0_2600.0/855719/differenceExp_DECam_VR_VR_DECam_c0007_6300_0_2600_0_855719_S12_DEEP_20190507_A0b_scienceHASHstep6_20240425T145342Z.fits
# 6/6/2024 COC
# """
# results = {}
# with open(uri_file, 'r') as f:
# for line in f:
# line = line.strip()
# if line == '': continue # deal with rogue blank lines or invisible double line endings
# if not line.startswith('#'): break # comments section is done
# line = line.lstrip('#').split('=')
# lhs = line[0].strip()
# rhs = line[1].strip()
# try:
# rhs = eval(rhs)
# except ValueError:
# self.logger.debug(f'Unable to eval() {lhs} field with value {rhs}.')
# continue
# results[lhs] = rhs
# return results

# def _patch_arcmin_to_pixels(self, patch_size_arcmin, pixel_scale_arcsec_per_pix):
# """
# Take an array of two dimensions, in arcminutes, and convert this to pixels using the supplied pixel scale (in arcseconds per pixel).
# 6/6/2024 COC
# """
# x_pixels = int(np.ceil( (patch_size_arcmin[0]*60)/pixel_scale_arcsec_per_pix ))
# y_pixels = int(np.ceil( (patch_size_arcmin[1]*60)/pixel_scale_arcsec_per_pix ))

# patch_pixels = int( np.ceil( patch_size_arcmin * 60 / pixel_scale_arcsec_per_pix ) )
# patch_pixels = [ x_pixels, y_pixels ]

# self.logger.debug(
# f"Derived patch_pixels = {patch_pixels} from patch_size_arcmin={patch_size_arcmin} and pixel_scale_arcsec_per_pix={pixel_scale_arcsec_per_pix}."
# )

# return x_pixels, y_pixels

# def _create_wcs_from_corners(self, corners=None, image_width=None, image_height=None, save_fits=False, filename='output.fits', pixel_scale=None, verbose=True):
# """
# Create a WCS object given the RA, Dec coordinates of the four corners of the image
# and the dimensions of the image in pixels. Optionally save as a FITS file.

# Parameters:
# corners (list of lists): [[RA1, Dec1], [RA2, Dec2], [RA3, Dec3], [RA4, Dec4]]
# image_width (int): Width of the image in pixels; if none, pixel_scale will be used to determine size.
# image_height (int): Height of the image in pixels; if none, pixel_scale will be used to determine size.
# save_fits (bool): If True, save the WCS to a FITS file
# filename (str): The name of the FITS file to save
# pixel_scale (float): The pixel scale (in units of arcseconds per pixel); used if image_width or image_height is None.
# verbose (bool): Print more messages.

# Returns:
# WCS: The World Coordinate System object for the image

# 5/6/2024 COC + ChatGPT4
# """
# # TODO switch to
# # Extract the corners
# if verbose: print_debug(f'At the start, corners={corners}, type={type(corners)}')
# if type(corners) == type((0,1)) or len(corners) == 1:
# corners = corners[0]
# print_debug(f'After un-tuple corners are {corners}.')
# corners = np.unique(corners, axis=0) # eliminate duplicate coords in case someone passes the repeat 1st corner used for plotting 6/5/2024 COC/DO
# if len(corners) != 4:
# raise ValueError(f'There should be four (4) corners. We saw: {corners}')
# ra = [corner[0] for corner in corners]
# dec = [corner[1] for corner in corners]
# #
# # Calculate the central position (average of the coordinates)
# center_ra = np.mean(ra)
# center_dec = np.mean(dec)
# #
# # Calculate the pixel scale in degrees per pixel
# if pixel_scale is not None:
# pixel_scale_ra = pixel_scale/60/60
# pixel_scale_dec = pixel_scale/60/60
# else:
# ra_range = (max(ra) - min(ra)) # * np.cos(np.radians(center_dec)) # Adjust RA difference for declination; do not use cos(), results in incorrect pixel scale 6/6/2024 COC
# dec_range = max(dec) - min(dec)
# pixel_scale_ra = ra_range / image_width
# pixel_scale_dec = dec_range / image_height
# if verbose: print_debug(f'Saw (RA,Dec) pixel scales ({pixel_scale_ra*60*60},{pixel_scale_dec*60*60})"/pixel. User-supplied: {pixel_scale}"/pixel.')
# # Initialize a WCS object with 2 axes (RA and Dec)
# wcs = WCS(naxis=2)
# wcs.wcs.crpix = [image_width / 2, image_height / 2]
# wcs.wcs.crval = [center_ra, center_dec]
# wcs.wcs.cdelt = [-pixel_scale_ra, pixel_scale_dec] # RA pixel scale might need to be negative (convention)
# # Rotation matrix, assuming no rotation
# wcs.wcs.pc = [[1, 0], [0, 1]]
# # Define coordinate frame and projection
# wcs.wcs.ctype = ["RA---TAN", "DEC--TAN"]
# wcs.array_shape = (image_height, image_width)
# if save_fits:
# # Create a new FITS file with the WCS information and a dummy data array
# hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(data=np.ones((image_height, image_width)), header=wcs.to_header())
# hdulist = fits.HDUList([hdu])
# hdulist.writeto(filename, overwrite=True)
# print_debug(f"Saved FITS file with WCS to {filename}")
# return wcs

def create_work_unit(self):
make_wu = True
if len(glob.glob(self.wu_file)):
Expand All @@ -275,9 +51,7 @@ def create_work_unit(self):
self.logger.debug(f"ImageCollection read from {self.ic_input_file}, creating work unit next.")

last_time = time.time()
orig_wu = ic.toWorkUnit(
orig_wu = ic.toWorkUnit(config=SearchConfiguration.from_file(self.search_config))
elapsed = round(time.time() - last_time, 1)"{elapsed} seconds to create WorkUnit.")

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