Nodejs base image with Kubernetes tools
- AWS cli v2
- AWS aws-iam-authenticator
- Helm3
- Helmfile
- Kubectl
- Credentials are stored on Lastpass for the id: digitalroutedevops with the email [email protected]
Manually build for local testing
- docker build -t nodejs-with-k8s-tools .
Manually push to Docker Hub
- docker login
- docker build -t digitalroutedevops/nodejs-with-k8s-tools:<version> .
- docker push digitalroutedevops/nodejs-with-k8s-tools:<version>
The automated build are configured in Docker Hub.
You need to only tag the release and the image will be build base on the version you tag.
- Make sure your changes are in master
- docker tag x.y.z
- docker push origin --tags
You can check the build status on Docker Hub
- docker run -it --rm --privileged digitalroutedevops/nodejs-with-k8s-tools: bash