Playwright #736
10 errors, 3 warnings, and 1 notice
Run Playwright tests:
1) includes/elements/section/stretch-section.test.ts:6:5 › Stretch section ───────────────────────
Error: Screenshot comparison failed:
Expected an image 800px by 220px, received 801px by 221px.
Expected: /home/runner/work/elementor/elementor/tests/playwright/sanity/includes/elements/section/stretch-section.test.ts-snapshots/section-NOT-stretched-linux.jpeg
Received: /home/runner/work/elementor/elementor/test-results/includes-elements-section-stretch-section-Stretch-section/section-NOT-stretched-actual.jpeg
Diff: /home/runner/work/elementor/elementor/test-results/includes-elements-section-stretch-section-Stretch-section/section-NOT-stretched-diff.jpeg
59 | type: 'jpeg',
60 | quality: 90,
> 61 | } ) ).toMatchSnapshot( `section-NOT-stretched${ directionSuffix }.jpeg` );
| ^
62 |
63 | // Act.
64 | await editor.selectElement( sectionID );
at testStretchedSection (/home/runner/work/elementor/elementor/tests/playwright/sanity/includes/elements/section/stretch-section.test.ts:61:8)
at /home/runner/work/elementor/elementor/tests/playwright/sanity/includes/elements/section/stretch-section.test.ts:12:3
Run Playwright tests:
1) includes/elements/section/stretch-section.test.ts:6:5 › Stretch section ───────────────────────
Retry #1 ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Error: Screenshot comparison failed:
Expected an image 800px by 220px, received 801px by 221px.
Expected: /home/runner/work/elementor/elementor/tests/playwright/sanity/includes/elements/section/stretch-section.test.ts-snapshots/section-NOT-stretched-linux.jpeg
Received: /home/runner/work/elementor/elementor/test-results/includes-elements-section-stretch-section-Stretch-section-retry1/section-NOT-stretched-actual.jpeg
Diff: /home/runner/work/elementor/elementor/test-results/includes-elements-section-stretch-section-Stretch-section-retry1/section-NOT-stretched-diff.jpeg
59 | type: 'jpeg',
60 | quality: 90,
> 61 | } ) ).toMatchSnapshot( `section-NOT-stretched${ directionSuffix }.jpeg` );
| ^
62 |
63 | // Act.
64 | await editor.selectElement( sectionID );
at testStretchedSection (/home/runner/work/elementor/elementor/tests/playwright/sanity/includes/elements/section/stretch-section.test.ts:61:8)
at /home/runner/work/elementor/elementor/tests/playwright/sanity/includes/elements/section/stretch-section.test.ts:12:3
Run Playwright tests:
2) includes/widgets/icons/icons-brands.test.ts:18:7 › Icons (FA Brands) › Inline Icons experiment status - inactive
Error: Screenshot comparison failed:
Expected an image 1140px by 2926px, received 626px by 2958px. 621793 pixels (ratio 0.19 of all image pixels) are different.
Expected: /home/runner/work/elementor/elementor/tests/playwright/sanity/includes/widgets/icons/icons-brands.test.ts-snapshots/icons-brands-linux.png
Received: /home/runner/work/elementor/elementor/test-results/includes-widgets-icons-ico-55fd6-xperiment-status---inactive/icons-brands-actual.png
Diff: /home/runner/work/elementor/elementor/test-results/includes-widgets-icons-ico-55fd6-xperiment-status---inactive/icons-brands-diff.png
Call log:
- page._expectScreenshot with timeout 5000ms
- verifying given screenshot expectation
- waiting for locator('.e-con-inner').first()
- locator resolved to <div class="e-con-inner">…</div>
- taking element screenshot
- disabled all CSS animations
- waiting for fonts to load...
- fonts loaded
- attempting scroll into view action
- waiting for element to be stable
- Expected an image 1140px by 2926px, received 626px by 2958px. 621793 pixels (ratio 0.19 of all image pixels) are different.
- waiting 100ms before taking screenshot
- waiting for locator('.e-con-inner').first()
- locator resolved to <div class="e-con-inner">…</div>
- taking element screenshot
- disabled all CSS animations
- waiting for fonts to load...
- fonts loaded
- attempting scroll into view action
- waiting for element to be stable
- captured a stable screenshot
- Expected an image 1140px by 2926px, received 626px by 2958px. 621793 pixels (ratio 0.19 of all image pixels) are different.
38 | const icons = page.locator( '.e-con-inner' ).first();
39 | await icons.waitFor();
> 40 | await expect.soft( icons ).toHaveScreenshot( `${ iconsType }.png` );
| ^
41 | } );
42 | }
43 | } );
at /home/runner/work/elementor/elementor/tests/playwright/sanity/includes/widgets/icons/icons-brands.test.ts:40:31
Run Playwright tests:
2) includes/widgets/icons/icons-brands.test.ts:18:7 › Icons (FA Brands) › Inline Icons experiment status - inactive
Retry #1 ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Error: Screenshot comparison failed:
Expected an image 1140px by 2926px, received 626px by 2958px. 620419 pixels (ratio 0.19 of all image pixels) are different.
Expected: /home/runner/work/elementor/elementor/tests/playwright/sanity/includes/widgets/icons/icons-brands.test.ts-snapshots/icons-brands-linux.png
Received: /home/runner/work/elementor/elementor/test-results/includes-widgets-icons-ico-55fd6-xperiment-status---inactive-retry1/icons-brands-actual.png
Diff: /home/runner/work/elementor/elementor/test-results/includes-widgets-icons-ico-55fd6-xperiment-status---inactive-retry1/icons-brands-diff.png
Call log:
- page._expectScreenshot with timeout 5000ms
- verifying given screenshot expectation
- waiting for locator('.e-con-inner').first()
- locator resolved to <div class="e-con-inner">…</div>
- taking element screenshot
- disabled all CSS animations
- waiting for fonts to load...
- fonts loaded
- attempting scroll into view action
- waiting for element to be stable
- Expected an image 1140px by 2926px, received 626px by 2958px. 620419 pixels (ratio 0.19 of all image pixels) are different.
- waiting 100ms before taking screenshot
- waiting for locator('.e-con-inner').first()
- locator resolved to <div class="e-con-inner">…</div>
- taking element screenshot
- disabled all CSS animations
- waiting for fonts to load...
- fonts loaded
- attempting scroll into view action
- waiting for element to be stable
- captured a stable screenshot
- Expected an image 1140px by 2926px, received 626px by 2958px. 620419 pixels (ratio 0.19 of all image pixels) are different.
38 | const icons = page.locator( '.e-con-inner' ).first();
39 | await icons.waitFor();
> 40 | await expect.soft( icons ).toHaveScreenshot( `${ iconsType }.png` );
| ^
41 | } );
42 | }
43 | } );
at /home/runner/work/elementor/elementor/tests/playwright/sanity/includes/widgets/icons/icons-brands.test.ts:40:31
Run Playwright tests:
3) includes/widgets/icons/icons-brands.test.ts:18:7 › Icons (FA Brands) › Inline Icons experiment status - active
Error: Screenshot comparison failed:
Expected an image 1140px by 2926px, received 626px by 2958px. 620419 pixels (ratio 0.19 of all image pixels) are different.
Expected: /home/runner/work/elementor/elementor/tests/playwright/sanity/includes/widgets/icons/icons-brands.test.ts-snapshots/icons-brands-linux.png
Received: /home/runner/work/elementor/elementor/test-results/includes-widgets-icons-ico-03c6a--experiment-status---active/icons-brands-actual.png
Diff: /home/runner/work/elementor/elementor/test-results/includes-widgets-icons-ico-03c6a--experiment-status---active/icons-brands-diff.png
Call log:
- page._expectScreenshot with timeout 5000ms
- verifying given screenshot expectation
- waiting for locator('.e-con-inner').first()
- locator resolved to <div class="e-con-inner">…</div>
- taking element screenshot
- disabled all CSS animations
- waiting for fonts to load...
- fonts loaded
- attempting scroll into view action
- waiting for element to be stable
- Expected an image 1140px by 2926px, received 626px by 2958px. 620419 pixels (ratio 0.19 of all image pixels) are different.
- waiting 100ms before taking screenshot
- waiting for locator('.e-con-inner').first()
- locator resolved to <div class="e-con-inner">…</div>
- taking element screenshot
- disabled all CSS animations
- waiting for fonts to load...
- fonts loaded
- attempting scroll into view action
- waiting for element to be stable
- captured a stable screenshot
- Expected an image 1140px by 2926px, received 626px by 2958px. 620419 pixels (ratio 0.19 of all image pixels) are different.
38 | const icons = page.locator( '.e-con-inner' ).first();
39 | await icons.waitFor();
> 40 | await expect.soft( icons ).toHaveScreenshot( `${ iconsType }.png` );
| ^
41 | } );
42 | }
43 | } );
at /home/runner/work/elementor/elementor/tests/playwright/sanity/includes/widgets/icons/icons-brands.test.ts:40:31
Run Playwright tests:
3) includes/widgets/icons/icons-brands.test.ts:18:7 › Icons (FA Brands) › Inline Icons experiment status - active
Retry #1 ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Error: Screenshot comparison failed:
Expected an image 1140px by 2926px, received 626px by 2958px. 620419 pixels (ratio 0.19 of all image pixels) are different.
Expected: /home/runner/work/elementor/elementor/tests/playwright/sanity/includes/widgets/icons/icons-brands.test.ts-snapshots/icons-brands-linux.png
Received: /home/runner/work/elementor/elementor/test-results/includes-widgets-icons-ico-03c6a--experiment-status---active-retry1/icons-brands-actual.png
Diff: /home/runner/work/elementor/elementor/test-results/includes-widgets-icons-ico-03c6a--experiment-status---active-retry1/icons-brands-diff.png
Call log:
- page._expectScreenshot with timeout 5000ms
- verifying given screenshot expectation
- waiting for locator('.e-con-inner').first()
- locator resolved to <div class="e-con-inner">…</div>
- taking element screenshot
- disabled all CSS animations
- waiting for fonts to load...
- fonts loaded
- attempting scroll into view action
- waiting for element to be stable
- Expected an image 1140px by 2926px, received 626px by 2958px. 620419 pixels (ratio 0.19 of all image pixels) are different.
- waiting 100ms before taking screenshot
- waiting for locator('.e-con-inner').first()
- locator resolved to <div class="e-con-inner">…</div>
- taking element screenshot
- disabled all CSS animations
- waiting for fonts to load...
- fonts loaded
- attempting scroll into view action
- waiting for element to be stable
- captured a stable screenshot
- Expected an image 1140px by 2926px, received 626px by 2958px. 620419 pixels (ratio 0.19 of all image pixels) are different.
38 | const icons = page.locator( '.e-con-inner' ).first();
39 | await icons.waitFor();
> 40 | await expect.soft( icons ).toHaveScreenshot( `${ iconsType }.png` );
| ^
41 | } );
42 | }
43 | } );
at /home/runner/work/elementor/elementor/tests/playwright/sanity/includes/widgets/icons/icons-brands.test.ts:40:31
Run Playwright tests:
4) includes/widgets/image-carousel.test.ts:20:6 › Image carousel tests › Image Carousel ──────────
Error: Screenshot comparison failed:
Expected an image 1120px by 157px, received 1120px by 158px.
Expected: /home/runner/work/elementor/elementor/tests/playwright/sanity/includes/widgets/image-carousel.test.ts-snapshots/carousel-linux.jpeg
Received: /home/runner/work/elementor/elementor/test-results/includes-widgets-image-car-f10b4-rousel-tests-Image-Carousel/carousel-actual.jpeg
Diff: /home/runner/work/elementor/elementor/test-results/includes-widgets-image-car-f10b4-rousel-tests-Image-Carousel/carousel-diff.jpeg
37 | type: 'jpeg',
38 | quality: 90,
> 39 | } ) ).toMatchSnapshot( 'carousel.jpeg' );
| ^
40 | } );
41 |
42 | /**
at /home/runner/work/elementor/elementor/tests/playwright/sanity/includes/widgets/image-carousel.test.ts:39:10
at /home/runner/work/elementor/elementor/tests/playwright/sanity/includes/widgets/image-carousel.test.ts:35:3
Run Playwright tests:
4) includes/widgets/image-carousel.test.ts:20:6 › Image carousel tests › Image Carousel ──────────
TimeoutError: Timeout 10000ms exceeded.
Call log:
- waiting for locator('#elementor-save-kit-refresh-page .dialog-button.dialog-ok.dialog-alert-ok')
at ../pages/editor-page.ts:1310
1308 |
1309 | if ( toReload ) {
> 1310 | await EditorSelectors.refreshPopup.reloadButton ).click();
| ^
1311 | }
1312 | }
1313 |
at EditorPage.saveSiteSettingsWithTopBar (/home/runner/work/elementor/elementor/tests/playwright/pages/editor-page.ts:1310:73)
at _default.saveOrUpdate (/home/runner/work/elementor/elementor/tests/playwright/assets/breakpoints.ts:40:4)
at _default.resetBreakpoints (/home/runner/work/elementor/elementor/tests/playwright/assets/breakpoints.ts:84:3)
at /home/runner/work/elementor/elementor/tests/playwright/sanity/includes/widgets/image-carousel.test.ts:17:3
Run Playwright tests:
4) includes/widgets/image-carousel.test.ts:20:6 › Image carousel tests › Image Carousel ──────────
Retry #1 ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Error: Screenshot comparison failed:
Expected an image 1120px by 157px, received 1120px by 158px.
Expected: /home/runner/work/elementor/elementor/tests/playwright/sanity/includes/widgets/image-carousel.test.ts-snapshots/carousel-linux.jpeg
Received: /home/runner/work/elementor/elementor/test-results/includes-widgets-image-car-f10b4-rousel-tests-Image-Carousel-retry1/carousel-actual.jpeg
Diff: /home/runner/work/elementor/elementor/test-results/includes-widgets-image-car-f10b4-rousel-tests-Image-Carousel-retry1/carousel-diff.jpeg
37 | type: 'jpeg',
38 | quality: 90,
> 39 | } ) ).toMatchSnapshot( 'carousel.jpeg' );
| ^
40 | } );
41 |
42 | /**
at /home/runner/work/elementor/elementor/tests/playwright/sanity/includes/widgets/image-carousel.test.ts:39:10
at /home/runner/work/elementor/elementor/tests/playwright/sanity/includes/widgets/image-carousel.test.ts:35:3
Run Playwright tests:
4) includes/widgets/image-carousel.test.ts:20:6 › Image carousel tests › Image Carousel ──────────
Retry #1 ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
TimeoutError: Timeout 10000ms exceeded.
Call log:
- waiting for locator('#elementor-save-kit-refresh-page .dialog-button.dialog-ok.dialog-alert-ok')
at ../pages/editor-page.ts:1310
1308 |
1309 | if ( toReload ) {
> 1310 | await EditorSelectors.refreshPopup.reloadButton ).click();
| ^
1311 | }
1312 | }
1313 |
at EditorPage.saveSiteSettingsWithTopBar (/home/runner/work/elementor/elementor/tests/playwright/pages/editor-page.ts:1310:73)
at _default.saveOrUpdate (/home/runner/work/elementor/elementor/tests/playwright/assets/breakpoints.ts:40:4)
at _default.resetBreakpoints (/home/runner/work/elementor/elementor/tests/playwright/assets/breakpoints.ts:84:3)
at /home/runner/work/elementor/elementor/tests/playwright/sanity/includes/widgets/image-carousel.test.ts:17:3
ubuntu-latest pipelines will use ubuntu-24.04 soon. For more details, see
Run Playwright tests:
includes/elements/section/reverse-columns/reverse-columns.test.ts took 2.0m
Run Playwright tests:
includes/widgets/icon.test.ts took 24.9s
Run Playwright tests
15 failed
includes/elements/section/stretch-section.test.ts:6:5 › Stretch section ────────────────────────
includes/widgets/icons/icons-brands.test.ts:18:7 › Icons (FA Brands) › Inline Icons experiment status - inactive
includes/widgets/icons/icons-brands.test.ts:18:7 › Icons (FA Brands) › Inline Icons experiment status - active
includes/widgets/image-carousel.test.ts:20:6 › Image carousel tests › Image Carousel ───────────
includes/widgets/image.test.ts:27:7 › Image widget tests @styleguide_image_link › image: Image size test
includes/widgets/image.test.ts:27:7 › Image widget tests @styleguide_image_link › image-box: Image size test
includes/widgets/image.test.ts:80:7 › Image widget tests @styleguide_image_link › image: Custom image size test
includes/widgets/image.test.ts:80:7 › Image widget tests @styleguide_image_link › image-box: Custom image size test
includes/widgets/image.test.ts:101:6 › Image widget tests @styleguide_image_link › Test Lightbox
includes/widgets/rating/content-panel.test.ts:9:7 › Rating content panel - Icon Experiment inactive @Rating › Functionality test - Icon Experiment: inactive
includes/widgets/rating/content-panel.test.ts:9:7 › Rating content panel - Icon Experiment active @Rating › Functionality test - Icon Experiment: active
includes/widgets/rating/style-panel.test.ts:19:7 › Rating style panel - Icon Experiment: inactive @Rating › Styling test - Icon Experiment: inactive
includes/widgets/rating/style-panel.test.ts:90:7 › Rating style panel - Icon Experiment: inactive @Rating › Rating flex-wrap styling: inactive
includes/widgets/rating/style-panel.test.ts:19:7 › Rating style panel - Icon Experiment: active @Rating › Styling test - Icon Experiment: active
includes/widgets/rating/style-panel.test.ts:90:7 › Rating style panel - Icon Experiment: active @Rating › Rating flex-wrap styling: active
20 passed (8.0m)