Install the plugin like you would install any regular Python package from source:
pip install
Make sure you use the same Python environment that you installed OctoPrint under, otherwise the plugin won't be able to satisfy its dependencies.
Next you'll want to checkout and compile MatterSlice, please note you'll likely need to install monodevelop
with your package manager along with mono
git clone
cd MatterSlice
mozroots --import --sync
mdtool build -c:Release MatterSlice.sln
Restart OctoPrint. octoprint.log
should show you that the plugin was successfully found and loaded:
2014-10-29 12:29:21,500 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Loading plugins from ... and installed plugin packages...
2014-10-29 12:29:21,611 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Found 2 plugin(s): MatterSlice (0.1.0), Discovery (0.1)
After logging in, go to Settings, then MatterSlice. Ensure that the full path to mono is correct.
Put in the full path to your MatterSlice binary for example
Restart Octoprint to ensure it now thinks that MatterSlice can be used. You can then import your profile from matterslice and get slicing!