I have had my old Kindle with a keyboard in a draw for some time. I always thought it would be nice to reuse the e-paper screen for something like a photo frame. Granted the screen is low res and grayscale but still, I thought it would be nice to have a new image to look at every day.
Based on the Literary Clock and the Kindle Weather Display.
I had already done this so I could use my pictures as a screensaver. https://www.mobileread.com/forums/showthread.php?t=88004
Useful page with a list of all serial numbers to model numbers: https://wiki.mobileread.com/wiki/KindleSerialNumbers
So you can access the shell over SSH over USB you can also set this up so you can access SSH over Wifi
Turning on usbNetwork press the DEL
key to bring up the search box then type in the two searches
Add photoframe directory to /mnt/us/
(the files you see when connected in USB drive mode)
Inside this directory include:
├── images
│ ├── 0.png
│ └── 1.png
├── numberofimages
├── runPhotoframe.sh
└── startstopPhotoframe.sh
You don't need to include the photoframeactive
file this is used by the script to tell if the script is active.
Add images into the images directory and update the total in the numberofimages
Edit the crontab
nano /etc/crontab/root
Set to run everyday at midnight
0 0 * * * /mnt/us/photoframe/runPhotoframe.sh
Refresh the crond
/etc/init.d/cron restart
Used to switch the script on and off with a keyboard shortcut.
Add to /mnt/us/lanchpad/startPhotoframe.ini
P = !sh /mnt/us/photoframe/startstopPhotoframe.sh &
Shift P
when the photo frame is not running will start the script and stop the main Kindle app and power management so the kindle will not go to sleep. Pressing Shift P
when it is running will stop the script and restart the kindle main app.
Images must be saved in a grayscale colour space at 600 x 800 px. I just pick a random number to display a random image so they need to be named 0.png, 1.png