BPP4 and BPP5 AFM 2018 Demo showing coalition situational understanding fascilitated by symbolic vector represenation service orchistration
#flask services To use the pipeline, you will need to start each of the flask services. Navigate to each of the flask service folders (e.g. csu_fascilitated_by_svr/flask_services/cameras/) and run the as-a-service ("AAS") python file.
Example: python TflCameraAAS.py
This will start the flask service for that part of the pipeline.
For object detection, ensure opencv contrib is installed (pip install opencv-contrib-python)
There is a text file containing a node-red flow that chains together the flask services for testing. For this, ensure that node-red dashboard is installed
Currently the object detector will return non-car objects (as well as cars), we need to have a discussion RE where the list would be filtered/how the service chain knows it needs to be filtered etc...