Unity3d Ros Interface
installs this packages if you have problem with unity exe
- sudo apt-get install libxcursor1:i386
- sudo apt-get install libxrandr2:i386
- sudo apt-get install libxcursor
- sudo apt-get install libxrandr2
- sudo apt-get install mono-complete
Release Notes : v1 => initial commit version v2 => add ros node v3 => add camera , quad get / set , IMU / GPS sim v4 => add car animation service v5 => Fix some bugs , auto connection , memory crash problems solved
Run Commands
- roscore
- rosrun simserver simserver
- run catkin_ws/src/UNITYSIM/exe/v1.x86_64 with ./v1.x86_64
Unity Outputs
simserver/uav1/cam1 => cam1 output simserver/uav1/cam2 => cam2 output simserver/uav1/cam3 => cam3 output simserver/uav1/posimu x => position.x y => position.y z => position.z mx => rotation.x my => rotation.y mz => rotation.z
Unity Inputs simserver/uav1/cmd_vel linear (x,y,z) => (X,Y,Hight) angular (z) => ( YAW )
anim_service play => play car animation stop => stop car animation speed,X => X [0,3] => car animaton speed goto,X => X [0,16] => set car to new location