Tickets affected by this release
GCW-3560 ADMIN: Investigate push_updates causing 404 errors
GCW-1474 API sends push updates in user's language
GCW-3537 Charity - User can modify phone number
GCW-3201 Browse APP: implement message center for charities
GCW-3533 Rails validation should be added to ensure packages are present before creating online orders
GCW-3534 API - Feature to merge two users into one
GCW-3569 Donor and Admin: Fetch messages using messages API
GCW-3583 Chat - Fix ios build failing due to failed azure-cli install
GCW-3568 Donor: General messages thread shows private message on offer details page.
GCW-3559 Admin: Components for item types sometimes don't appear, and then re-appear after changing the item type.
GCW-3443 Stock - Clear out defunct locations
GCW-3220 Item validation for hk_dollar_value [post stockit]
GCW-3492 API - Rails upgrade to 6
GCW-3497 Stock: error message shows '[object Object]' when attempting to edit Transport Type on closed order
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