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Merge pull request #69 from Mathnerd314/seconds
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Fix/extend tests, move Seconds into separate module
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CetinSert authored Feb 8, 2022
2 parents be10745 + 2ab5496 commit 1362464
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Showing 4 changed files with 180 additions and 54 deletions.
44 changes: 9 additions & 35 deletions System/Clock.hsc
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Expand Up @@ -17,10 +17,11 @@ module System.Clock
, toNanoSecs
, diffTimeSpec
, timeSpecAsNanoSecs
, normalize
, s2ns
) where

import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import Data.Coerce
import Data.Int
import Data.Word
import Data.Ratio
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -229,12 +230,12 @@ normalize (TimeSpec xs xn) | xn < 0 || xn >= s2ns = TimeSpec (xs + q) r
instance Num TimeSpec where
(TimeSpec xs xn) + (TimeSpec ys yn) = normalize $! TimeSpec (xs + ys) (xn + yn)
(TimeSpec xs xn) - (TimeSpec ys yn) = normalize $! TimeSpec (xs - ys) (xn - yn)
(toInteger-> t1) * (toInteger-> t2) = fromInteger $! t1 * t2
(normalize -> TimeSpec xs xn) * (normalize -> TimeSpec ys yn) = normalize $! TimeSpec (s2ns*xs*ys+xs*yn+xn*ys) (xn*yn)
negate (TimeSpec xs xn) = normalize $! TimeSpec (negate xs) (negate xn)
abs (normalize -> TimeSpec xs xn) | xs == 0 = normalize $! TimeSpec 0 xn
| otherwise = normalize $! TimeSpec (abs xs) (signum xs * xn)
signum (normalize -> TimeSpec xs xn) | xs == 0 = TimeSpec (signum xn) 0
| otherwise = TimeSpec (signum xs) 0
signum (normalize -> TimeSpec xs xn) | xs == 0 = TimeSpec 0 (signum xn)
| otherwise = TimeSpec 0 (signum xs)
fromInteger x = TimeSpec (fromInteger q) (fromInteger r) where (q, r) = x `divMod` s2ns

instance Enum TimeSpec where
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -267,6 +268,10 @@ instance Ord TimeSpec where
| otherwise = os
where os = compare xs ys

instance Bounded TimeSpec where
minBound = TimeSpec minBound 0
maxBound = TimeSpec maxBound (s2ns-1)

-- | TimeSpec from nano seconds.
fromNanoSecs :: Integer -> TimeSpec
fromNanoSecs x = TimeSpec (fromInteger q) (fromInteger r) where (q, r) = x `divMod` s2ns
Expand All @@ -284,34 +289,3 @@ diffTimeSpec ts1 ts2 = abs (ts1 - ts2)
-- | TimeSpec as nano seconds.
timeSpecAsNanoSecs :: TimeSpec -> Integer
timeSpecAsNanoSecs (TimeSpec s n) = toInteger s * s2ns + toInteger n

newtype Seconds = Seconds TimeSpec
deriving (Generic, Read, Show, Typeable, Eq, Ord, Storable)

instance Num Seconds where
fromInteger n = Seconds $ TimeSpec (fromInteger n) 0
Seconds a * Seconds b = Seconds $ a * b `div` s2ns
(+) = coerce ((+) :: TimeSpec -> TimeSpec -> TimeSpec)
(-) = coerce ((-) :: TimeSpec -> TimeSpec -> TimeSpec)
negate = coerce (negate :: TimeSpec -> TimeSpec)
abs = coerce (abs :: TimeSpec -> TimeSpec)
signum = coerce (signum :: TimeSpec -> TimeSpec)

instance Enum Seconds where
succ x = x + 1
pred x = x - 1
toEnum x = Seconds . normalize $ TimeSpec (fromIntegral x) 0
fromEnum (Seconds (TimeSpec s _)) = fromEnum s

instance Real Seconds where
toRational (Seconds x) = toInteger x % s2ns

instance Fractional Seconds where
fromRational x = Seconds . fromInteger $ floor (x * s2ns)
Seconds a / Seconds b = Seconds $ a * s2ns `div` b
recip (Seconds a) = Seconds $ s2ns * s2ns `div` a

instance RealFrac Seconds where
properFraction (Seconds (TimeSpec s ns))
| s >= 0 = (fromIntegral s, Seconds $ TimeSpec 0 ns)
| otherwise = (fromIntegral (s+1), Seconds $ TimeSpec (-1) ns)
77 changes: 77 additions & 0 deletions System/Clock/Seconds.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-type-defaults #-}
module System.Clock.Seconds
( Clock(..)
, Seconds(..)
, getTime
, getRes
, fromNanoSecs
, toNanoSecs
, diffTimeSpec
) where

import Data.Coerce
import Data.Ratio
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Foreign.Storable
import GHC.Generics (Generic)

import System.Clock(TimeSpec(..), Clock, s2ns, normalize)
import qualified System.Clock as C

newtype Seconds = Seconds { toTimeSpec :: TimeSpec }
deriving (Generic, Read, Show, Typeable, Eq, Ord, Storable, Bounded)

instance Num Seconds where
fromInteger n = Seconds $ TimeSpec (fromInteger n) 0
Seconds (TimeSpec xs xn) * Seconds (TimeSpec ys yn) =
Seconds $ normalize $! TimeSpec (xs*ys) (xs*yn+xn*ys+((xn*yn) `div` s2ns))
(+) = coerce ((+) :: TimeSpec -> TimeSpec -> TimeSpec)
(-) = coerce ((-) :: TimeSpec -> TimeSpec -> TimeSpec)
negate = coerce (negate :: TimeSpec -> TimeSpec)
abs = coerce (abs :: TimeSpec -> TimeSpec)
signum (Seconds a) = case signum a of
1 -> 1
(-1) -> (-1)
_ -> 0

instance Enum Seconds where
succ x = x + 1
pred x = x - 1
toEnum x = Seconds $ TimeSpec (fromIntegral x) 0
fromEnum (Seconds (TimeSpec s _)) = fromEnum s

instance Real Seconds where
toRational (Seconds x) = toInteger x % s2ns

instance Fractional Seconds where
fromRational x = Seconds . fromInteger $ floor (x * s2ns)
Seconds a / Seconds b = Seconds $ a * s2ns `div` b
recip (Seconds a) = Seconds $ s2ns * s2ns `div` a

instance RealFrac Seconds where
properFraction (Seconds (TimeSpec s ns))
| s >= 0 = (fromIntegral s, Seconds $ TimeSpec 0 ns)
| otherwise = (fromIntegral (s+1), Seconds $ TimeSpec (-1) ns)

-- | The 'getTime' function shall return the current value for the
-- specified clock.
getTime :: Clock -> IO Seconds
getTime = coerce C.getTime

-- | The 'getRes' function shall return the resolution of any clock.
-- Clock resolutions are implementation-defined and cannot be set
-- by a process.
getRes :: Clock -> IO Seconds
getRes = coerce C.getRes

-- | Seconds from nano seconds.
fromNanoSecs :: Integer -> Seconds
fromNanoSecs = coerce C.fromNanoSecs

-- | Seconds to nano seconds.
toNanoSecs :: Seconds -> Integer
toNanoSecs = coerce C.toNanoSecs

-- | Compute the absolute difference.
diffTimeSpec :: Seconds -> Seconds -> Seconds
diffTimeSpec = coerce C.diffTimeSpec
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions clock.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ library
build-depends: ghc-prim
build-depends: base >= 4.4 && < 5
exposed-modules: System.Clock
default-extensions: DeriveGeneric
Expand All @@ -88,6 +89,9 @@ library

test-suite test
default-language: Haskell2010
default-extensions: ScopedTypeVariables
Expand Down
109 changes: 90 additions & 19 deletions tests/test.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,35 +4,106 @@ import Data.Fixed
import Data.List
-- import Test.Tasty.HUnit as HUnit
import System.Clock
import System.Clock.Seconds as S

instance Arbitrary TimeSpec where
arbitrary = do
sec <- arbitrarySizedIntegral
nan <- arbitrarySizedIntegral
return $ TimeSpec sec nan

main = defaultMain (adjustOption (QuickCheckTests 100000 +) $ tests)
deriving instance Arbitrary Seconds

main = defaultMain (localOption (QuickCheckTests 100000) $ tests)

tests :: TestTree
tests = testGroup "All tests" [numInstanceTests, ordInstanceTests]

numInstanceTests = testGroup "Num instance tests" [qcNumInstance]
ordInstanceTests = testGroup "Ord instance tests" [qcOrdInstance]

qcNumInstance = testGroup "QuickCheck"
QuickCheck.testProperty "x = abs(x) * signum(x)" $ \ x -> (x :: TimeSpec) == (abs x) * (signum x)
, QuickCheck.testProperty "integer addition equals TimeSpec addition" $ \ x y -> x + y == toNanoSecs (fromInteger x + fromInteger y)
, QuickCheck.testProperty "integer subtraction equals TimeSpec subtracttion" $ \ x y -> x - y == toNanoSecs (fromInteger x - fromInteger y)
, QuickCheck.testProperty "rational multiplication equals TimeSpec multiplication" $
\ x y ->
let rationalMul = truncate ((x :: Nano) * (y :: Nano) * (10^9))
timespecMul = toNanoSecs (fromInteger (truncate (x * 10^9)) * fromInteger (truncate (y * 10^9)))
in rationalMul == timespecMul
, QuickCheck.testProperty "neg(neg(x)) = x" $ \ x -> negate (negate x :: TimeSpec) == x
tests = testGroup "All tests" [timeSpecTests, secondsTests]

timeSpecTests = testGroup "TimeSpec tests" [qcNumInstance (0 :: TimeSpec), qcRealInstance (0 :: TimeSpec), qcTimeSpec]
secondsTests = testGroup "Seconds tests" [qcNumInstance (0 :: S.Seconds), qcRealInstance (0 :: S.Seconds), qcSeconds]

qcNumInstance :: (Eq a, Num a, Arbitrary a, Show a) => a -> TestTree
qcNumInstance (s :: a) = testGroup "Num"
QuickCheck.testProperty "Associativity of (+)" $ \(x :: a) y z ->
(x + y) + z == x + (y + z)
, QuickCheck.testProperty "Commutativity of (+)" $ \(x :: a) y ->
x + y == y + x
, QuickCheck.testProperty "fromInteger 0 is the additive identity" $ \(x :: a) ->
x + fromInteger 0 == x
, QuickCheck.testProperty "negate gives the additive inverse" $ \(x :: a) ->
x + negate x == fromInteger 0
, QuickCheck.testProperty "fromInteger 1 is the multiplicative identity" $ \(x :: a) ->
x * fromInteger 1 == x && fromInteger 1 * x == x
, QuickCheck.testProperty "neg(neg(x)) = x" $ \(x :: a) ->
negate (negate x) == x
, QuickCheck.testProperty "x = abs(x) * signum(x)" $ \(x :: a) ->
x == (abs x) * (signum x)

qcRealInstance :: (Real a, Arbitrary a, Show a) => a -> TestTree
qcRealInstance (s :: a) = testGroup "Real"
QuickCheck.testProperty "integer addition is correct" $ \ x y ->
toRational (x + y) == toRational (fromInteger x + fromInteger y :: a)
, QuickCheck.testProperty "integer subtraction is correct" $ \ x y ->
toRational (x - y) == toRational (fromInteger x - fromInteger y :: a)
, QuickCheck.testProperty "integer multiplication is correct" $ \ x y ->
toRational (x * y) == toRational (fromInteger x * fromInteger y :: a)
, QuickCheck.testProperty "random list of TimeSpecs is sorted like equivalent list of rationals" $ \(x :: [a]) ->
map toRational (sort x) == sort (map toRational x)

qcTimeSpec :: TestTree
qcTimeSpec = testGroup "TimeSpec-specific"
-- fails with Seconds on 0.000000001 * -1.000000002 * -2.000000001
QuickCheck.testProperty "Associativity of (*)" $ \(x :: TimeSpec) y z ->
(x * y) * z == x * (y * z)
-- fails with Seconds on [-0.999999999,0.000000001,-1.000000001]
, QuickCheck.testProperty "Distributivity of (*) with respect to (+)" $ \(a :: TimeSpec) b c ->
a * (b + c) == (a * b) + (a * c) && (b + c) * a == (b * a) + (c * a)
, QuickCheck.testProperty "TimeSpec Quot-rem division equality" $ \(x :: TimeSpec) y ->
y == 0 || x == y * quot x y + rem x y
, QuickCheck.testProperty "TimeSpec Rem is within bounds" $ \(x :: TimeSpec) y ->
let r = rem x y in y == 0 || r == fromInteger 0 || abs r < abs y
, QuickCheck.testProperty "TimeSpec quotRem agrees with quot and rem" $ \(x :: TimeSpec) y ->
let (q,r) = quotRem x y in
y == 0 || (q == quot x y && r == rem x y)
, QuickCheck.testProperty "TimeSpec Div-mod division equality" $ \(x :: TimeSpec) y ->
y == 0 || x == y * div x y + mod x y
, QuickCheck.testProperty "TimeSpec Mod is within bounds" $ \(x :: TimeSpec) y ->
let r = mod x y in y == 0 || (r == fromInteger 0 || abs r < abs y)
, QuickCheck.testProperty "TimeSpec divMod agrees with div and mod" $ \(x :: TimeSpec) y ->
let (q,r) = divMod x y in
y == 0 || (q == div x y && r == mod x y)
, QuickCheck.testProperty "TimeSpec toInteger . fromInteger is the identity" $ \x ->
x == toInteger (fromInteger x :: TimeSpec)
, QuickCheck.testProperty "TimeSpec fromInteger . toInteger is the identity" $ \(x :: TimeSpec) ->
x == fromInteger (toInteger x)
, QuickCheck.testProperty "TimeSpec division agrees with Integer" $ \(x :: TimeSpec) y ->
y == 0 || toInteger (x `div` y) == toInteger x `div` toInteger y
, QuickCheck.testProperty "TimeSpec quot agrees with Integer" $ \(x :: TimeSpec) y ->
y == 0 || toInteger (x `quot` y) == toInteger x `quot` toInteger y

qcOrdInstance = testGroup "QuickCheck"
qcSeconds :: TestTree
qcSeconds = testGroup "Seconds-specific"
QuickCheck.testProperty "random list of TimeSpecs is sorted like equivalent list of integers" $ \ x -> sort (x :: [TimeSpec]) == map (fromInteger) (sort (map toNanoSecs x))
QuickCheck.testProperty "Seconds multiplication is Nano multiplication" $ \x y ->
let nano = toRational $ (x :: Nano) * (y :: Nano)
seconds = toRational $ (realToFrac x) * (realToFrac y :: Seconds)
in nano == seconds
, QuickCheck.testProperty "Seconds truncate is Nano truncate" $ \(x :: Nano) ->
let nano = truncate x :: Integer
seconds = truncate (realToFrac x :: Seconds)
in nano == seconds
, QuickCheck.testProperty "Seconds / is Nano /" $ \(x :: Nano) (y :: Nano) ->
let nano = toRational $ x / y
seconds = toRational (realToFrac x / realToFrac y :: Seconds)
in y == 0 || nano == seconds
, QuickCheck.testProperty "Seconds recip is Nano recip" $ \(x :: Nano) ->
let nano = toRational $ recip x
seconds = toRational (recip $ realToFrac x :: Seconds)
in x == 0 || nano == seconds

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