Tracks prices of products from Amazon, Sams Club, Target, and Walmart.
- This project started as a way for me to track desirable holiday items during holiday season 2022. I am now doing a public release for others to use.
How to Use
- Navigate to the folder in terminal, type "node tracker.js" to start
- Enter the product link for the item you would like to monitor
- Enter the time you would like to wait before sending another GET request
- NodeJS (built using 18.12.0)
- The config.json will need to be configured before use
- For repeatWebhook either choose on or off, if on is chosen, webhook will send 3 times over 90 seconds before returning to monitoring
- For webhook input the discord webhook url
- For useProxy either choose yes or no, if yes is chosen, a host:port:user:pass proxy to send the request instead of localhost
- If you plan to have a shorter delay, it is recommended to use proxies. You may need to experiment with the delay between GET requests to prevent temporary blocks from the website.