This is a sample application written in Go used for training purposes.
- Show two apps pushed to the same route, that differ only in their env variable:
git checkout tags/works-w-simple-routing
# update manifests to have non-conflictint routes
for i in a_manifest.yml b_manifest.yml ; do cf push -f $i; done
Reload route and you'll see the apps getting cycles.
Problem: These are balanced 50/50. Also, no session persisten
- Use a proxy
cf add-network-policy pb-ab-test sample-app-a --protocol tcp --port 8080-8443 cf add-network-policy pb-ab-test sample-app-b --protocol tcp --port 8080-8443
cf network-policies | awk 'f;/source/{f=1}' | awk '{printf "cf remove-network-policy %s %s --protocol %s --port %s\n", $1, $2, $3, $4}'
This project demonstrates hosting a private intranet application on using Cloud Foundry's Route Service feature.
flowchart LR
subgraph ""
direction LR
lb["Load Balancers"]
proxy["Weighted Proxy Service)"]
lb --> rtr
rtr --> proxy
proxy --> app_a
proxy --> app_b
Install and log into the Cloud Foundry CLI.