We are using PyJWT for JWT generation, encoding, decoding, and handling. We send request JWT to SSSC's ADFS server.
Can be done visually on -> jwt.io.
'x5t': 'vxAKeI6ewGAIDTycUXnW3UnPNiE=',
'typ': 'JWT',
'alg': 'RS256'
- x5t: is a base64 encoded fingerprint of the client's certificate
- typ: The type of token
- alg: The encryption algorithm used
'aud': 'URL',
'sub': 'SUB',
'iss': 'ISSUER',
'iat': IAT,
'jti': 'JTI',
'client_id': 'URL',
'exp': 1637611223
- aud: Audience
- sub: Subject
- iss: Issuer
- iat: Token generation time in seconds since epoch
- jti: Random uuid
- client_id: The service you want a token for
- exp: Token expiration time in seconds since epoch