A collection of signal analysis functions related to complexity, chaos and causality. Optimised for realtime signal processing.
- Algorithms for measuring dynamical complexity using Effort to Compress, Lempel-Ziv Complexity, Sevcik Fractal Dimension, Random Projection Complexity
- Python module (3.x)
- SuperCollider UGen for RPC
Related papers:
Kiefer, C. 2023. Dynamical complexity measurement with random projection: a metric optimised for realtime signal processing. Sound and Music Computing, Stockholm, Sweden, 12-17 June 2023. (http://sro.sussex.ac.uk/id/eprint/111991/1/smc2023%20RPC_final.pdf)
Kiefer, C., Overholt, D. and Eldridge, A., 2020. Shaping the behaviour of feedback instruments with complexity-controlled gain dynamics. In 20th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (pp. 343-348). (https://vbn.aau.dk/ws/files/395237786/nime2020_paper66.pdf)