A C++ program that takes a file as input, identifies what token type the lexeme in the file are, and prints them out. It then uses the EBNF Demo Language to check if the file is a syntaxically correct program.
<program> -> <keyword><ident>() {<declares><stmts>}
<declares> -> <keyword><ident> ;
| <keyword><ident> ; <declares>
<stmts> -> <assign> ; <stmts>
| <assign> ;
<assign> -> <ident> = <expr>
<expr> -> <ident> {*|/} <expr>
| <ident>
| (<expr>)
keyword -> float
ident -> a<ident>|b<ident>...|z<ident>
Use the following to compile the code
sudo apt-get install g++
- Clone the repository:
[email protected]:cherrymalia/Parser.git
There are two test files. You can change which one you use by changing the code in main.cpp
Compile it with:
g++ main.cpp analyzer.h analyzer.cpp -std=c++11
- Run it with: