A New Way To Study, Learn and Have A Fun!
Velh-IA is a tic tac toe game where a statistical algorithmn (SA) and a proposed Multi Agent System (MAS) model compete to see who is the best. This aim of this repo is create an environment to a scientific research called Artificial Collective consciousness - Analysis of the Interactions between Artificial Intelligences.
The aim of the scientific research is analyze the interactions, behaviors and results of a multi-agent system with no objective, under an uncontrolled and unknown environment, applying sociological concepts.
Velh-IA and Ovomaltino works together to figure out and develop a MAS model to achieve this goal. I invite you to read about it here and understand how it works.
© 2020 Matheus Nobre Gomes
GNU General Public License v3.0
This project has two microservices:
- velhia.api: An API with all routes to save and get data.
- velhia.game: Scripts, game workflow and all logic of this research.
- We can see every event in velhia.game/logs
- You can use a IDE for MongoDB like Robo3T to data management
- You can connect with other system to data analytics or something else like PowerBI, Python ...
We provide docker images on DockerHub if you want to use it individually and a docker-compose to create all environment.
docker-compose up
To more informations:
Phone: (55) 11 96952-5592 E-mail: [email protected]
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mattnobre/