Analysis for Paper 29 of the uSim 2018 conference - Urban Energy Simulation - Glasgow, 29-30 Nov 2018
This GitHub repository contains all the code used in the paper:
'Open Science Building Stock Modelling: an example using gbXML, openbuilding and EnergyPlus' by Steven K Firth, Bianca Howard and Jonathan Wright, submitted to the Urban Energy Simulation 2018 (uSim 2018) conference.
- 'analysis': this folder contains the code used for the analysis in the paper. Look in this folder to see how the analysis is done.
- 'license': the license used for this work.
- '.gitignore': used by Git to ignore some files. In this repository gitignore files are used to avoid copying all the data and simulation files to GitHub.
- '' (this file): the readme file written in Markdown.