Program to cypher user inputted text based on the inputted number user enters in shell. letter wrapping occuring using modulo operator
on a commandline shell interface after compiling run the application by using ./Simple_Cryptography_using_CaesarShift
$ ./Simple_Cryptography_using_CaesarShift 10
plaintext: the super secret to losing weight is the eat healthy
ciphertext: dro cezob combod dy vycsxq gosqrd sc dro okd rokvdri
This will only shift characters (letters only) to the user inputted number down in the ASCII table, it will not shift up or "left".
The stdin is limited to only 100 characters per execution of the program.
Program to cypher user inputted text based on the inputted string user enters in shell. letter wrapping occuring using modulo operator
on a commandline shell interface after compiling run the application by using ./Simple_Cryptography_using_VigenereShift
$ ./Simple_Cryptography_using_VigenereShift fitness
plaintext: the super secret key to losing weight is eating healthy
ciphertext: ypx fyhww axpvwl pmr gs dgxqgt awalpm vw wsyqgt lwsqbal
This will only shift characters (letters only) to the user inputted number down in the ASCII table, it will not shift up or "left".
The stdin is limited to only 100 characters per execution of the program.