Emutils V3.0 (C)2006-2024 Bo Zimmerman
Please read the LICENSE file for license information
Please read the NOTICE file for credits information
Emutil is a collection of utilities for dealing with files which are in
formats most commonly used by Commodore 64 emulators.
These formats include:
- *.D64 - 170k image of a normal formatted 5.25" Commodore 1541 disk
- 170k image of a C64 or C128 CP/M formatted 5.25" Commodore 1541 disk - *.D71 - 340k image of a normal formatted 5.25" Commodore 1571 disk
- 340k image of a C128 CP/M formatted 5.25" Commodore 1571 disk - *.D81 - 800k image of a normal formatted 3.5" Commodore 1581 disk
- 800k image of a C128 CP/M formatted 3.5" Commodore 1581 disk - *.D80 - 520k image of a normal formatted 5.25" Commodore 8050 disk
- 520k image of a CPM-86 CP/M formatted 5.25" Commodore 1571 disk - *.D82 - 1040k image of a normal formatted 5.25" Commodore 8250 or SFD-1001 disk
- 1040k image of a CPM-86 CP/M formatted 5.25" Commodore 1571 disk - *.DNP - image of a normal formatted CMD (HD or RL) Native Partition, up to 16mb
- *.DHD - image of raw CMD FD/HD disk image with partition table
- *.LNX - file archiver image from the LYNX utility
- *.T64 - Digital tape image / file archive
The following utilities exist in this project:
D64Search (java)
A tool for searching the internal filenames and/or file data inside of common
Emulator image files (.D64, .D71, D80, .D81, .D82). This tool will report the
names ofimage files containing matches, and the names of the internal Commodore
files which were matched. Supports recursing directories of image files. It also
Java version requires Java 1.6 or better.
To execute from the command line (and get further help):
java -jar bin/D64Search.jar
java com.planet_ink.emutil.D64Search
D64Search [options] [path] [expression]
-R recursive search
-V verbose
-M show MD5 sum for each matching file
-C case sensitive
-F full absolute paths
-Q suppress parse errors
-X expr fmt (-Xp=petscii, Xa=ascii, Xh=hex)
-I search inside files (substring search)
-D db export of disk info data (-Du[user],
-Dp[password], -Dc[java class],
-Ds[service] -Dt[tablename])
(Columns: string imagepath,
string filename, int filenum,
long size, string md5,
string filetype)
- Expressions include % and ? characters.
- Hex expressions include hex digits, *, and ?.
A tool for comparing the file contents of two disk images with
each other, noting files that are in one image but not another,
and any files with different content. This tool supports CMD
HD subdirectories as well, and will recurse into them.
Java version requires Java 1.6 or better.
To execute from the command line (and get further help):
java -jar bin/D64Compare.jar
java com.planet_ink.emutil.D64Compare
D64Compare [file1] [file2]
D64FileMatcher [file/path1] [file/path2]
-R recursive search inside DNP
-A X approx matching min X% (slower)
-V verbose
-P X verbose on disks with X percent matches
-C use memory cache of all comparison files
-D X Recursive depth X
-Q Suppress parsing errors
-En X exclude files matching mask 'X' in path 'n'
-N No sorting of source filenames
A tool for viewing, extracting from, or modifying the contents of an
image file.
Java version requires Java 1.6 or better.
To execute from the command line (and get further help):
java -jar bin/D64Mod.jar
java com.planet_ink.emutil.D64Mod
D64Mod [options] [image file] [action] [action arguments]
EXTRACT (-p) [file]/ALL [target path]
INSERT [source path] [file]
BAM ALLOC (Checks for sectors that need bam alloc)
BAM FREE (Checks for sectors that need bam free)
-r Recurse into subdirectories
-q suppress parsing errors
-p extract files with .prg/.seq extensions
A tool for viewing the partition list and extracting or replacing
existing partitions/disk images in a raw CMD Hard Drive (HD) iso image,
such as might be created with the *NIX "dd" utility. This is not the
same as a DNP (native partition) image. A CMD HD image may contain
D64, D81, DNP, and other kinds of images inside it.
Java version requires Java 1.6 or better.
To execute from the command line (and get further help):
java -jar bin/CMDHDParser.jar
java com.planet_ink.emutil.CMDHDParser
A tool for comparing two sets of directories full of files, and reporting on non-duplicates.
Although not strictly for Commodore disk images, it does cater to them by restricting itself
to common disk image extensions. It will also automatically parse gzipped (.gz) and zipped (.zip)
files to find images.
Java version requires Java 1.6 or better.
To execute from the command line (and get further help):
java -jar bin/D64Duplifind.jar
java -cp ".;commons-compress-1.12.jar" com.planet_ink.emutil.D64Duplifind
java -cp ".;commons-compress-1.12.jar" com.planet_ink.emutil.D64Duplifind
D64Duplifind [options]
-R recursive search
-V verbose
-S matches1 matches2 mismatches1 mismatches2
-1 add to path1
-2 add to path2
Emutil.prg (Commodore BASIC/ML)
A disk image archiver for Commodore 64, 128, VIC-20, Plus/4, CBM-II, and CBM/PET
computers with 16k or more. It supports all known Commodore disk drives, of all
capacities. It also supports all CMD HD and RL Native partitions.
EMUTIL creates and dissolves single and multiple archive images. The images
may be RLE compressed or uncompressed. A single uncompressed archive image
of a 1541 disk is equivalent to a .D64 file, so it will handle those just
fine, though it is intended to cover disk drives unsupported by other
programs, such as the CBM 8050/8250 and CMD Native drives.
The program is a collaborative effort by Bo Zimmerman and Andre Fachat. After
building the source in CBM Prg Studio, you'll need to "fix" the binary by
changing the start address to $0401 for PETs, and then loading it and
re-saving it, to get all the line link addresses fixed. Next, you'll need
to fix the CBM-II BANK command in line 3450 with a hex editor. Change the
bytes in that line from $FE $02 to $20 $DC.