Hacker News app shows recently posted articles about Android or iOS on Hacker News
- List view of articles about Android or iOS recently published in Hacker News
- Load latest articles when pull down (Pull to refresh)
- You can delete articles to not receive them anymore by sliding it to the left (Swipe to delete)
- You can view the articles within the application (WebView)
Retrofit2: for API integration
Moshi: for Kotlin/JSON serialization/deserialization
Coroutines: for asynchronous code execution
Jetpack Components
- LiveData
- ViewModel
- Navigation
- DataBinding
- Room: for SQLite Database Management
- Paging3: custom RemoteMediator for loading data
- Hilt: for Dependency Injection
bmj.android.hackernews\ Application package
:..api\ Classes for Hacker News API Integration and API Response Model
:..data\ Data repository and RemoteMediator
:..db\ Room Database and Data Access Objects (DAOs)
:..di\ Dependency Injection Modules
:..model\ Data Model Clases and JSON adapters
:..ui\ UI components (Fragments, Adapters), Viewmodels
:..util\ App utils and constants
- Android Studio 4.1.3 or higher